When I had my oldest (a girl) she was the first grandchild on both sides and the only girl on my husband's side. She was spoiled and we had to get a calendar and everybody had to call and we had to make a rule that the first person to call was the one to get her that weekend. Everybody wanted to get her even when she was really too young to leave me for that long. Then I had my son two years later. Nothing changed with my daughter's busy life. But no one wanted to get my son. They started getting my daughter when she was 9 months old. So I waited until my son was the same age and asked again why they weren't getting him. My mother realized what was going on and started getting him on the weekends my in laws had my daughter. It was really hard on my parents to get them both so they started getting them on seperate weekends. But my in laws continued to say he was too young. They took my daughter to the lake every other weekend and my son had not been at all. When he started asking why I sat them both down and told them what was going on and they still said he was too young and that he would not have fun. Me and my husband decided that it wasn't fair and we did the both or none thing and it worked they started getting them on alternate weekends like my mom did. They both got to go but not at the same time. There has always been a difference in the way my kids were treated by my in laws. I had to deal with the same thing at christmas and birthdays. They wouldnt even come to my son's birthday. I finally stopped inviting them to her birthday and explained why. They got better. There is still a difference but my son doesn't notice it as much.