My daughter also had horrible sleeping issues up until she was 16months old. I wouldnt use the car seat anymore though, youll get her used to it and then you;ll be in big trouble when she is too big for it! If she has a cold or ear problems try putting a pillow under the bed mattress to prop it up at a slight incline, also a vaporizer will help as well. With our daughter it ended up being an ear canal anatomy problem, she kept getting reoccuring ear infections to the point where we pushed getting her into an ear nose and throat specialist. He told us that some babies ear canals dont form right until they get older and that when laying down flat fluid builds up and causes pressure, so she would sleep for a few hours and then wake up crying, i'd pick her up (the ears would drain) and then she would go back to sleep only to repeat the cycle again all night long!!! Eventually we were able to have tubes put in her ears (at 16months) and she has been sleeping through the night and ear infection free ever since!! But when she was small I would incline her mattress, use a vaporizer, and sometimes I would put her into a boppy seat to sleep because it vibrates(it looks like a giant pillow bed they sell them at target) another thing that might comfort her is one of those little holder things that go into the crib, not sure what they are called but it prevents them from rolling...they sell them at all the baby stores and you simply place the baby in the middle of it inside the crib, it's worth trying....Also if you both work maybe you should start questioning whats going on at the babysitters, is your daughter put down for naps all day?? If thats the case then her days and nights would be switched...it would make sense....good luck!