I too had 1 month off and had to go back to work. Small company I feel your pain!
Mine just turned 2 months and wanted a bottle every two hours. He's formula feed and dr said he should be 3-4 hrs, but the baby had different plans. Just about 6 weeks he started sleeping a little longer.
I did sleep when he slept but it was rare. There were things to get done while he was sleeping.
My MIL and sister are here separately for 1.5 months so they take the nights but my time is running out but he is sleeping longer.
I'd discuss the rice cereal in the bottle w/your dr.
Who takes the baby when you go back to work?
What is your schedule at night? Do you get the baby at one feeding then boyfriend the next so someone sleeps in between? That is what we started off with. My hubby doesn't do well w/the 3am feeding, so in the first month, he stayed awake for the 11 or midnight feeding then I did the next then he did the following which was about 5 or 6am.
As of now, and it is working great, whenever he feeds last for the night, say 10pm, he will always get a top off at 11pm. (He doesn't drink much but it helps.)
Last night he went to sleep at 1130pm and then woke at 430am. Pure heaven!!!
I enjoyed being able to drink more coffee when I went back to work.
Hope things get a little easier for you and remember to smile daily.