Slip and Slide V. Water Slide

Updated on July 16, 2010
H.F. asks from Schertz, TX
7 answers

Have you ever rented an inflatable slip and slide for a party? I'm having my son's 2nd birthday party in a few weeks and am planning to have train ride and a 10' length inflatable wading pool for the little ones and wanted a water slide for the bigger kids. Some of my guests will be in the 10-15 age group and I'm wondering if the slip and slide will be fun for them as well. I'm indecisive between getting a slip and slide or a regular large water slide. Please send your experience with both. Thanks.

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So What Happened?

A water slide at a 2 year old party was definitely worth it. It kept kids of all ages entertained while the adults chatted. The toddlers had a wading pool and they stayed pretty busy. Thanks all for your input!

More Answers



answers from Laredo on

I just remember all the bruises from my cousin's Slip-n-Slide, every time you hit a grass tuft or, heaven forbid, a rock, youch!
If you're renting anyway, go for the water slide.

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answers from Dallas on

Slip and slides are fun, but may be too "beneath" the 13- 15 year old crowd - LOL. My kids and I were at a waterslide party earlier this summer and all ages from adults to little ones were having a blast. It was the large inflatable ones. . . so that would be my suggestion.

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answers from Dallas on

I loved the slip and slide growing up but when we bought one from Target, my kids couldn't seem to get the hang of it down and ended up in more pain than laughter. : (

Teenagers may have it down better than young kids but I think the idea of the water slide sounds like a lot of FUN.

Good luck and have a great time!



answers from San Antonio on

We've used both of those inflatables, and while the the inflatable slip n slide was more fun for the kids than the one on the ground, I think the inflatable water slide went over much better with everyone, especially if you have older kids to entertain. The little ones should be fine in the large kiddie pool you mentioned with fun toys and things. The water slide we were on last was a really big one, and we were allowed to go down with the preschoolers, but I've seen some at other parties that obviously wouldn't have been able to take that, so check out your options.



answers from Houston on

A friend of mine rented a water slide last summer...just check the weight limit. Little kids can slide, but the weight limit was 150...meaning you cant "slide" with little kids. My DD was 2 and a was too big for her...and TOO BIG for my bee-hind!!!! Therefore, I couldnt take her on it. At two...its too scary to go alone....we had Dads hoisting them up, to slide down....crying all the the end, all the two and three years olds just liked the pool at the could have accomplished THAT result with a pool from Walmart.



answers from Houston on

I have a slip and slide for my 1 1/2 yr old and 5 yr old... to me they are not as fun as what I remember from childhood. They enjoy it but it makes a huge mess of your yard and burns your grass easily. For older kids a blow up would probably be enjoyed more.



answers from Johnstown on

Why rent one? We just went and bought black plastic, got our hose out and put just a dab of Dawn on at the beginning and the kids had a BLAST!

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