I've never, ever put my kids SS number on school documents, never had an issue because a birth certificate is enough proof of citizenship.
I just got a list from our school district with the documents that are needed to enroll my kids in school here, and one of the things is the kids' social security cards. Is this really any of the school's business? I thought that was more for the IRS and kids didn't need a SSN to be able to attend school. I'm guessing it's used as an identifying number for their records. Can you ask the school to assign a state-issued number and if so does this cause any hassles down the road?
Thanks for the advice. The schools asks for a birth certificate as well so that covers citizenship. I'll just ask for a state-issued number.
I've never, ever put my kids SS number on school documents, never had an issue because a birth certificate is enough proof of citizenship.
It's needed to insure citizenship.
It is used as an ID number. I wouldn't give my son's number so the state assigned him one. Despite what another mom said, it isn't a result of anti-immigration. It is a unique number to your child. The state will assign
one without issue.
used for citizenship & for federal funded monies & or state funds as well.
I had to show a birth certificate but not a social security number.
well, i never put any of our ssns on anything, and 95% of the time nobody says anything. but i specifically remember that i had to when i registered them, i was annoyed.
You can thank the anti-immigration lobby for this. It's to make sure your children are US citizens. If you strongly object to giving out the SSN, you could ask if you could use your children's passports instead.
Found this on the Texas Education Agency website:
Question Answer
Can a district require that a student provide a Social Security number? Under no circumstances may a district require the presentation of a valid Social Security card/number. It may, however, be requested. (See the PEIMS Data Standards, Section 2, 100 Student Data-Identification.)
What do we do when a parent wants no ID number assigned to her child? A number must be assigned and used in all PEIMS reporting.
How do I find the state-assigned alternative ID numbers for my district? Contact ###-###-####.
I live in Frisco, and felt the same way as you. I was told it was needed as a way to track a kids performance all through school (data anaylsis). I was also given the choice to let the state assign an ID, which we did for both boys. No big deal. Every year you have to re-enroll your child at the school. But now Frisco ISD enrollment is on line, and I can actually see the ID that's been assigned to the boys. So you should be fine not giving it. The only time I have provided their SS is for our health care provider and our taxes. Good luck.
Yes, it is for the IRS. I would hesitate giving that information as well. They probably need some sort of verification of who they are, so perhaps a bank statement (if they have a savings account - block out all info - especially account numbers and balance - but leave the name and address) or birth certificate would be okay. I would be curious to see if they take anything else.
You can use a state issued number in Hawaii. They use it as a ID number for schooling. Call the school and say that you want a state issued number.
When we moved here from another state and enrolled our son the admissions office at his school said do not fill out the SSN. That is FWISD and I do not know where you so another district may be different. I would call the school board office. Good luck
The SS number is used to prove citizenship. You should be able to use a birth certificate instead, but it has to be original with the raised seal. Photo copies are not usually accepted. Contact the school to make sure you can use a birth certificate and tell them you will not give out your child's SS number.
I don't think it will be an issue.
No keep it blank and they will issue your child a school id number that will stay with him as long as he's in the district. I had the same question and asked last year as my son was enrolling for school.