Greetings C.: I have had my computer down for several days and just found your post. I have a 21 year old son with Aspberger's Syndrome which is a form of Autism. I asked him to give you advice: Hi my name is Jon. This is all norml behavior for a child with Autism. People with this tend to be more comfortable by themselves and in their own world than with other people and in the out side world. He can interact with others but this learning disability will stunt him in this area for the rest of his life. For the most part, its because its a sfaty thing. In the world he knows and can controle, he feels safe. Once he leaves that, namley by interacting with others, he looses that safty net, so he'll need help with this. He may even need to be shown how to interact with others, and constant incuragment to do so. Always try to stimulate his brain. Animals are perfect with this as people with Autisom tend to gravitate towards animals and things more then to people. If you can, find a dog specialy trained to help special needs children. Music is another way to stimulate it. See if there are any instraments he can learn such as Piano, guitar, flute, clarenate, drums, or what ever.
If you need more help, contact my mother through momasource.