How old is your daughter? What kind of diet does she eat?
that is the place to start on slimming down. YOU need to
take control of her diet habits and help her form new ones.
Kids typically will not make the right choices. *smile.
Can she get on a excercise program.. does she do any exercise
such as, any sport? There has to be some form
of an activity you can possibly get her envolved in that would
help to shed some extra lbs. I realize you have limited resources and that does make it harder.. been there done that!
*smile. but there are some wonderful exercise videos and can be fun to do and she can do those from home!. I would focus first on these things rather than making clothes to fit where she is now and giving into it...she needs to learn healthier lifestyle habits and make changes while she is young
and it will be easier for her rather than give into it and then have an obesity problem into adulthood. which can also cause a number of health issues. My son goes to the gym and works out with his dad 3 days a week and the change in him has been awesome. he is thin always has been but it is buildig him up some and giving him good self esteem. Some of his friends are now also going when thier schedules allow, they are seeing the benefits from my son. My son is also more aware of his diet
he is 15. Not to say he doesnt inhale pizza and such.. ha
but he is learning better habits. Is there anywhere she may be able to volunteer somewhere which may be physical activity...there are kids who come to our horse ranch and volunteer and do the wrangler program. It is hard work much of the time filling water buckets and carrying feed buckets cleaning up..etc.. but the kids love it and they get a real sense of accomplishment and learn about horse care etc....could she volunteer at the Dallas Zoo Jr Zookeeper program? there are things around for kids just have to explore and see what may be within your reach that she could become active in? Hope this may give some ideas to work with?
It isnt easy but I would sit down and make up a plan and see where you can start to helping her make some changes. Good luck to you both !!!