Hello L., I am so sorry you are going through this. I know all too well how you are feeling right now. My daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes (we say DM1 for diabetes mellitus 1, mostly because it's faster to write or type) at 19 months old and my son was diagnosed at age 6. My daughter is now 4 and my son is now 8.
I am so sorry to tell you this, but your son's pancreas will not be restored. I am very dedicated to natural and holistic cures, but this is one thing that you will not be able to reverse. You can use the herbs and such that you are doing now for optimal health, but your son will be using insulin for the rest of his life. I am not trying to be a downer, I want to tell you the truth because false hope is rotten. People try to tell me all the time that I can regenerate my kids pancreas' but they are completely ignorant of what DM1 is all about.
We eat a very healthy, low glycemic diet, do homeopathic treatments and have done this for our kids entire lives and they STILL got DM1. Please don't take blame for this and don't let anyone put that on you. I have been down that road many times.
Please don't listen to people who tell you that you need to try to "wean" your son off of insulin. This is impossible for people with Type 1. If people have claimed to have "weaned" themselves, then they were most likely misdiagnosed and should have been diagnosed with Type 2, which is completely different.
Do you have a Pediatric Endocrinologist? It's essential for a strong support team.
I am so sorry that your family is going through this. Your son will be going through a wide range of emotions but there is HOPE. My husband has had DM1 since he was 3 years old and he is very, very healthy. He wears his "pancreas" on the outside of his body (an insulin pump) and that is the only difference between him and a person who's body provides it's own insulin. My kids also have pumps and I am so thankful that we are able to have such technology at our disposal.
I still have a hard time coming to grips with the fact that my children and my husband have a serious life long condition. Allow yourself time to grieve and cry, I STILL am. My heart goes out to you and I will be praying for your family.
Please private message me if you ever want to "talk".
EDIT* I don't mean any disrespect to the previous posters but please do not do any juice fasts or extreme alternative treatments. Your son is still growing and a juice fast would be a detriment to him. Herbs, juices, homeopathy etc. should be only done if approved by your doctor IN ADDITION to insulin therapy. All of the "cures" have been done on people who have Type 2, which can be reversed.