Set up an appt w/his teacher as soon as you know who he/she is. Tell them what the issues are, what your concerns are. Ask to see the school (or district if it's a small school) counselor or psychologist-share your concerns with them too. And if you feel like it'll help, call in the principal as well. Their goal should be to make your child a success & the more they know from you about what he needs to make him a success the better they can help him. Give your email address to everyone & get theirs too. Be proactive-if he's left the house in a crabby mood, give the teacher a head's up. Ask that the teacher let you know if he's had an especially good or bad day & if he starts to have problems. You make the first move to keep communication lines open & hopefully you'll get the support you need. I have an LD son & his teacher & I email constantly-even just to say "hi, how's it going". She knows that I'm on top of everything he does at school & that I want to be an involved teacher. Coming from a teacher's kid, let me tell ya, teachers LOVE involved parents! If you're able, volunteer in his class one day a week. After a while, he'll forget you're there & you'll be able to observe him for yourself.
Good luck Mom!