Hi D., I have an 8 month old and i HIGHLY recommend the Soothing vibratiosn crib soother made by first years. My son was colicky and had reflux when he was younger and this thing was about the only thing that would keep him from crying sometimes. It has several different settings--heartbeat, stream, nature sounds (birds tweeting--that one's a little annoying actually), and jsut white noise, and then you can also choose to turn on vibrations (the control module attaches ot the rail of your crib, and then there's a flat egg-shaped thingie that's separate that goes under the crib mattress and vibrates gently--it's very soothing for them! The link to buy this from walmart for $39.99 is http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?dest=9999999997...
I bought mine for that same price at babies r us. ANd THEN i got another one as a gift that i just never returned (BUSY!!!). So I actually have two. If you're interested the second one has only been used once (took it on a trip with us--it's portable, runs on batteries, so it helps for sleeping in the car too!), and I'll sell it to you for $20 (half what i paid--if you're itnerested e-mail me at hte address below). But regardless of whether you get it from me or from walkmart or babies r us, it is the best and saved my sanity during those colicky months! good luck :-) L