M., it's a poignant story you are telling us here. What a terrible woman. I don't know why, but I automatically thought of the movie "Flatliners". One of the fledgling doctors had mercilessly bullied a little girl at his school. With the flatline experience, his past came back to haunt him and he decided to try to make things right by seeking her out and apologizing.
She had been a plain looking little girl, but had blossomed into a lovely woman. She married a wonderful man, was successful and happy with her life, and accepted his heartfelt apology.
I wish so much that your story was this ending. Instead, it's just the opposite. One day she will have to explain this behavior to her maker. She had a wonderful opportunity to make amends, yet acted the same way she did back then. I'm so sorry.
I hope you came away with the realization that just by her saying that you don't belong there, NOW you know for absolute certainty that this isn't about you at all! It's about her. Something is wrong inside of her head and her heart and she has probably taught her son to be the same, OR she has treated him badly.
M., I don't know if you were able to pull out of this hole these people pushed you in all those years ago, but I hope you were. I hope you are successful in your life, whether by job or love, or hopefully both. I hope you have moved way past her in every respect. Whatever you have moved past her on, consider it a victory and then, M., move past HER. If you can't on your own, find a therapist to talk to.