Hi. Tulsa area parks offer lots of sports and are reasonably priced. Also try the YMCA's. We do a lot with the Thorton Y on 51st, and with Whiteside park at 41st and Pittsburg. Good luck!
Does anyone know of any places that have leagues for kids in sports. My son in 4, and my daughter is 7. Looking for t-ball, cheerleading, basketball.
Thanks for the help, I looked into the tulsa parks and got him enrolled for the Little bit a T-ball where they start teaching the basics.
Hi. Tulsa area parks offer lots of sports and are reasonably priced. Also try the YMCA's. We do a lot with the Thorton Y on 51st, and with Whiteside park at 41st and Pittsburg. Good luck!
Boys & Girls Club - OR- YMCA.
The YMCA has tons for kids as well as the parents to do. check em out. I myself am a member of the Thorton Y and love it.
My son who is 8 playes on a team through thte Tulsa Parks. They have a great program that allows the children to have fun and not worry so much about the technical aspect of the game. They do follow the basic rules but they don't keep score to allow the kids to have fun. They have other programs for all ages. Just stop by any park recreation center.
Good luck!