My experience was not exactly like yours...I had two early miscarriages. one at 6 weeks - pregnancy confirmed at the dr. with blood work, and a second miscarriage just days after the home pregnancy test was positive.
So I went to the dr. to find out why.. They did the HSG dye test- where they inject dye into your uterus to look for blockages. Tehy didnt find any problems.. So the dr. prescribed prmetrium pills to help maintain the uterine lining. He told me to start taking teh prometrium on cycle day 20 and then come into the office on day 28 for a pregnancy test. The very first month I was pregnant. I continued on the prometrium from cycle day 20 until week 11 or 12 when the placenta takes over making progesterone... Until th placenta is fully functional- the progersterone is supposed to come from your ovaries.
The progesterone made me extremely tired. It was like taking a sleeping pill. I was supposed to take 400 mg a day- 2 pills in the am and 2 in the pm.. I never took more than 2 a day- I cant say if the pills worked or not- but my daughter was born on her due date (exactly 40 weeks) she weighed 7 pounds and was perfectly healthy. Maybe she was meant to be here and I didnt need the pills at all.
I have not seen any problems in her that is related to the progesterone. she has met all milestones and seems to be very smart. Prometrium is a natural hormone product..