Go to the emergency room. You could have kidney stones. You could also be having gallbladder issues. This is not something I would not mess with.
i have been experiencing really sharp stabbing intermittent pain in my lower abdomen feels like its starting lower in my pelvic area and travels upward i kinda feel a bubble then it feels like it explodes and my stomache gets hard and im doubled over with pain that usually last about 10 seconds the pain gets worse if i lay on my left side and is constant but if i lay on my back or right side its intermittent i have been feeling nausious and llight headed alot past two days but havent thrown up slightly dizzy and just today developed back pain when im feeling this pain it imobiles me its extremely painful to try and move or get up..any suggestions would be greatly appreciated i would just contact my doctor but unfortunately i am out of town for a few days and cannot see anyone so this is my alternative thanks
thank you everyone for the advice its appreciated
Go to the emergency room. You could have kidney stones. You could also be having gallbladder issues. This is not something I would not mess with.
There could be a number of reasons for the symptoms. Look for a natural healthcare professional where you are staying and/or a natural health professional that offers telephone health consultations. Consider the following:
Do you notice the upset after you have eaten a certain type of food (carbs, fats, etc)?
Is there something going on in your life that you feel fear, panic, and worry about?
As you research healthcare practitioners, suggested support includes:
Stay away from high carb, high fat foods.
Drink distilled water daily.
If you're not allergic, drink chamomile tea daily.
Gently tell yourself (if there is an emotional upset) "I receive all the support I need to get through this".
Be well,
Founder/Organic Mommy and Baby Healthcare Solutions
I agree with others to get it checked out. About a month ago I had strong pain on my right side, was extremely nauseous (threw up), and had pain that moved to the back. Found out I had 15-20 kidney stones in each kidney. The right side had a stone that lodged and couldn't get through, causing the strong pain. If the stones move at all, that could cause it being intermittent. Good luck!
I hope you read this in a few days, after you've gone to the emergency room. Don't play with your health. I hope all is well with you...
Jess, no one here can diagnose or treat you. Even if one of us could magically tell you whether it's a cyst or gallstones or your appendix, you would still be without treatment. Call your own doctor and ask what he/she wants you to do. Out of town? I am sure they have doctors there, or a walk in urgent care clinic or if all else fails, the ER. If you're visiting with family, they can direct you to medical care. If you are travelling on business, the hotel staff can assist you in getting medical attention
Good luck
It sounds like it could either be your appendix or maybe a cyst? Get to a dr. immediately! Hope you're okay.
I just had the same symptoms and ended up with diverticulitis. I went to the ER, ended up having to have a cat scan and thats how they confirmed it. One telltale sign was if you push on the area where it hurts and once you release and the "rebound" pain is excruciating I would say its time to go to the doctor. Not saying it will be the same that happened to me but this sounded familiar. I hope you feel better.
Sounds like either ovarian cysts, kidney stones, or appendix. Would get to a doctor asap.
it maybe appendicittis
Most insurances will cover an out-of-network ER visit, if you let them know of the visit within a certain time frame after the fact. With my severe allergies, I've had to do that a couple times. Don't wait! Go to the ER, and when you get out, flip your insurance card over and call the 800 number on the back for instructions to make sure you get covered.
Could be so many different things; gas, ovarian cyst, uriinary tract
infection. See you doctor when you get home. If it gets really bad and does
not subside at all, go to the ER. Good luck.
You could also have an ovarian cyst (large one) that ruptured. Happened to my mom *when she was 27 and then again at 29* and she ended up in surgery both times -- it can rupture your bowel and small or large intestines. I would go to the ER. Good luck and best wishes.