You have a really good list. I can't think of any additional financial concerns to mention, but I wanted to share my personal story. I lost my job about a year and a half ago and I've been home with my kids since. I LOVE being able to get my oldest off of the school bus and have her homework done before dinner. It makes our nights much more relaxed. And I love the time I get to spend with my youngest. I don't want to lie to you though - it was a really big adjustment for me. At first, I felt a little lost. I didn't have any stay at home mom friends, so I felt somewhat isolated during the day. Over time, I feel like this has changed. I joined a playgroup, met people at the library and am pretty happy with my social life now. I still sometimes feel a little weird about not having my work life identity. I got my first job delivering newspapers when I was 11 and have worked since then. So it was (and still is) weird not to work. That is still a struggle for me, but I can honestly say that I can't picture working full time anymore. In the end, it will be a big decision. Just make sure you and your husband are on the same page - if you don't see eye to eye the transition will be that much harder. I wish you the best of luck with your decision and your new baby!