How would your child suffer? Because it would get to interact with other people? (and other kids - if it goes to a daycare?)
I spent 8 months home with my first child and now I work full time and I have an excellent bond with my kids. I don't think you can really judge other moms' bonds with their children whether you know them or not unless you are in their shoes. It's a different type of bond, but it's not any less strong than the one you have.
Mine go to a home daycare and get to go on field trips every week to the zoo, or children's museum, etc. They go to a gym every tuesday and a parks and rec program every monday. They love to go be with their friends. When I pick them up, they talk all about what they did and what they learned (the 3.5 year old does anyways LOL).
I don't think you should look at it as your child suffering....I feel like that is your guilt talking -- for you wanting to work. There's nothing wrong with working and having someone else take care of your child so you can work.
I also look at it like they are getting to experience so much more than what I could do for them. Social skills, trips, friends, learning to depend on others besides mom....these are all things that will benefit them.
Yes, it is hard to balance working and spend the good time with my kids, but if you want to do it bad enough, you make it work - and it's worth it.