It's hard to work in a place where you're not happy, but you have to look on the bright side. You only have to put up with Boss A part of the time.
I would really try not focusing on something you can't change for right this minute to the extent it ruins your Sundays or you can't appreciate the positives when they do happen.
I've worked for some pretty crappy bosses, let me tell you, and I just looked at it as biding my time while I worked really hard to get a position somewhere else.
I think it was a good idea to ask Boss B about perhaps giving you more hours, but I agree with Mary that it's not a good idea to talk about one boss to the other. You can say you don't feel fulfilled, you can say you like the natural sunlight in Boss B's office....you can say just about anything, but complaining about a boss isn't usually seen as professional.
I have left jobs because a boss treated me terribly, but when I interviewed for new positions, I never brought that up. I live in a rather small area and most if not all business owners know each other in some capacity and I wanted to portray myself as someone who never burned any bridges even though I left a certain employer. I literally worked for one agency where I learned later that my boss was related to a supervisor who was horrible to me in one of my previous jobs. Thank goodness I never mentioned anything about her as my reason for leaving. I would have been complaining about his sister in law and surely wouldn't have gotten the position.
My point is, just try to keep your personal feelings to yourself when it comes to employers. Many of us have jobs we're not in love with, but if someone asks you why you're looking to leave a certain position, say that you want more of a challenge or you'd prefer more personal contact with clients. I, personally, would rather jump off a bridge than be stuck in a cubicle or stuck at a desk all day long. I don't feel I thrive in a situation like that.
That's not putting down the position, my co-workers, my employer, or even myself.
Just try to keep your chin up. Do the absolute best you can. Stay positive and spend your energy finding another place to work.
Monday morning comes soon enough. Don't spend the rest of the day worrying about how things will go tomorrow before you even get there.
We have employment agencies here that love people who want to work part time and love even more the ones who are willing to take temp positions.
I like temps because it never gets monotonous....you work in all kinds of different environments and fill in for people on vacations and things like that. A good temp can get regular and steady work. Some temp positions turn into full time. It's worth checking into.
As long as you're looking and checking into your options, it should help you to know you're moving in the right direction and that something better will come your way.
Best wishes.