Please ask the family court judge for a "Guardian Ad Lit em". This person will be able to help your child and the whole custody situation! Sometimes an "outsider" can see & hear more then we realize and inform the judge of the unhealthy attitude involved in your situation. Also you may want to consider getting your child some counseling! This way she can meet and talk openly with a counselor, so she can see that this "girl-friend" is trying to teach her a very unhappy, unhealthy, situation. Nor the proper response from an out-side adult in your child's life! I had to fight the biological mother of my nieces; and after repeated request to her the bio, psychologically tested, the results were an eye-opener for the courts and myself! I now have permanent custody of both my nieces and the biological female has a court ordered NO-Contact order from Broward County Courts! You and your daughter ARE TRULY in my family's' prayers. If I can help you in any way, please feel free to contact me back! I too havebeen thru hell and came back stronger!
Kathy N.