I have two girls, and with my first one I was very careful about what I fed her, and she eats very healthy. My S. one, I'm still careful, but she has eaten some things younger, because she wants what the older one has. It's hard to go back, that's for sure! Anyway, a few things that have helped me... I let them eat while I prepare food, just what's for dinner. Often toddlers eat better that way, I'll give some ground beef or the uncooked veggies, etc. I let them have snacks when they want, but they're always veggies, fruit, or occasionally whole grain crackers and cheese or cereal (puffed brown rice is popular here). I don't make the meal for them, but I make more kid-friendly meals. Kids like to know what they're eating, so usually I make main dish and sides instead of casseroles/one-dish meals, and if there's something they like I make it more often (chili's a big hit here). I make sure every part of the meal is healthy, so if they just want one part of it and a lot of that, it's okay. I do make them try a bite of everything. I put fruit out at every meal. It's healthy. They eat it. I keep in mind if they don't like dinner. I think people are entitled to have things they don't like. I never would eat tuna casserole. I'm fine with them not eating a certain meal and finding something for them to eat, as long as it's not every meal. If they don't eat well (I do not make them clean their plate, but if they take something themselves, I expect them to eat it, generally), I save their plate, just until bedtime. then if they get hungry it's ready and waiting. Keep in mind that kids have stronger taste buds than we do, if you can lighten the salt and seasonings on their meal. Also, cut out all junk food. Kids don't want to eat dinner when they are thinking about fruit snacks. We do have dessert, but home made whole grain cookies, etc. We have fruit leather instead of fruit snacks (they're made from all fruit and fruit juice), we've cut out hydrogenated oil and high fructose corn syrup, no added sugar to things that just don't need sugar, healthy cereals, etc. It's amazing how much sugar kids can get in a day when we feed them "kid" foods! I think that makes a big difference when they're looking at a plate of grilled chicken, broccoli and brown rice. dips. kids love to dip. Find a good yogurt dip recipe. I also always have one thing they can eat if they're not liking dinner. Usually for us it's carrots or frozen peas (still frozen), edemame on a night I'm feeling especially productive. Something they'll eat but is healthy and not a treat and that I don't have to cook. We never bribe. If they didn't eat well, we don't offer dessert, but everything I've read reccommends against bribing *shrug* and it doesn't seem to work anyway, it just makes that thing more important than the healthy food. Also, we've talked about healthy food since she was very young, looking at food labels together, etc. Anyway, I'm sorry for this being so long, but hopefully something here will help for your family. I know every family is different and different things work. You're doing the right thing, it's hard, but if he has only healthy foods to choose from, they'll eat healthy foods. He'll thank you in the long run.
K., a picky eater.