Hey D., sippy cups are the way to go. I know that the crying gets to you but in the end you have to get rid of the bottles once and for all and give them the cups. I trained many and I rather deal with a few days of crying than a lifetime of rotten teeth. Try the cups with straws, character ones. Let them pick out their own cup. I know that after a long day of working hard the last thing we need to hear is a kid screaming, but those are the sacrifices we have to make. Yes, I know easier said then done. Remember that with accomplishments they get rewards as well as we do. A parents job is a work in progress we continuously learn with our kids! Good luck with the sippy cup solution. Let me know how things go. N. P.S. Writing poetry is the best past time I have, maybe we can share some. Reading is my next best thing! What types of books do you like reading?