Expressing a small amount of milk will help soften the breast and eventually eliminate the problem without increasing supply. Also, the cabbage leaves suggestion has been shown to work. Hang in there!
I have recently stopped breastfeeding well actually it is week 2.I have one side that is doing well it is make to normal feeling it does leak if pressed on but has no pain.Now the other side is a different story.That is the side that was mainly used because the other side never produced as much milk.The first few days it was engorged so I released milk a few times to relieve pressure.I did slowly wean so it would be easier so I only needed to express only twice.But the last couple days it has been really sore it is not hard like it was in the begining.but does hurt to the touch.What I would like to know is does expressing keep milk production up should I just take the pain and hope it goes away?I know it could be a long process going completely back to normal I have breatfeed 4 times but I had a huge gap in kids with this last one and can't remeber the pain and things with it...lol..(9YEARS)....I have tried Tylonol,ice,and tight bras.I will not try the cabbage thing I have seen that is just gross!Any other help would be great...Thanks
Expressing a small amount of milk will help soften the breast and eventually eliminate the problem without increasing supply. Also, the cabbage leaves suggestion has been shown to work. Hang in there!
please...no, pretty please keep breastfeeding! something that i've noticed is that children that don't get the full year of milk directly from their mother, tend to develop asthma, terrible allergies, and other respiratory problems if they don't get at least the full year of breastfeeding that is recommended. if you want your child to grow healthy and strong without the assistiance of advair, albuterol, and other drugs, it would be wise of you to put your breast in the mouth of that precious little baby, and let them drink!
I know that putting cabbage in your bra seems quite disgusting but it WORKS!! I became completely engorged and within 2 days I was dried up after using cabbage. It was a final resort after trying other things but in the end I am glad I did it and I tell other moms to do the same. GoodLuck!!
Hi H.,
I used the cabbage and it was a little strange...but it really did work! If you don't want to do that, you can try "Campho-phenique" (I think that is how you spell it). It is normally used for cold sores to dry them up but I also used that to dry up my milk and it has a strong smell but it worked really well. You will leak like crazy when it starts working but at least you don't have the pain anymore and you know that it will be over soon. I think I had completely stopped producing milk after 3 days of this. I do know that if you keep expressing the milk, it will just keep reproducing. Well, I hope this helped! Good luck!
If you continue to express milk you will continue to produce milk..the best thing to do is to wear your tight bra and consider getting an ace bandage to wrap yourself in...it's going to hurt until you are all dried up!
I did the cabbage thing, it is gross but it really works. :) How about trying small frozen bags of peas or something like that? I also was told no hot showers as they stimulate milk production. Best of luck!!
yes pumping keeps your supply up. maybe you should consider giving your baby expressed milk. 8 months is pretty early to stop breastfeeding, if your uncomfortable with the actual latching on expressing and having breastmilk in bottles would give your baby the benefit of breastmilk and allow you to more easily control the reduction in feedings later and side preferences (getting too much from ne side and not much from the other) allowing you to stop without so much engorgement in one side.
Take Benadryl. It will dry you up faster than anything else. Take it until you don't have any more fluid coming out of your breasts when you squeeze the nipple. Stop expressing milk to relieve the pain and pressure - it will only stimulate your breasts to make more milk. Doing the cabbage in the bra thing may be a little weird, but the best part is how cool the cabbage is and stays so that your breasts don't hurt so much.
I would also like to add that I breastfed my daughter only six months. She is about to turn 4. She is the healthiest, most robust child in her group of peers, has absolutely no food allergies or respiratory problems and rarely catches cold. Good for you for making it to 8 mos. - but don't let anyone make you feel guilty because you breastfed less than a year.