A lot of times snow boots don't stay water proof for more than one (sometimes 2) seasons. Same with snow pants. To be sure their tooties stay warm and dry I buy new.
I had two questions to send out, I was wondering if it's really a good idea to use hand me down shoes & boots and I was wondering if anyone had a good storage idea for stuffed animals?
A lot of times snow boots don't stay water proof for more than one (sometimes 2) seasons. Same with snow pants. To be sure their tooties stay warm and dry I buy new.
Well, you know, my mom always said shoes is something a person should not use if they are used, especially for children because their feet are growing. that is what my grandma told her. I usually dont, but have.
S. Bailey CLD
If you have some small stuffed animals you want to keep, but have no storage room, I saw somewhere that you can take a wire hanger ( shape it into a wreath) and then you can tie the animals to the wreath with those plastic ties. I have some wreath forms at home I have never used, so I may try using those.
I have gotten almost all of my daughter's clothes from my sister-in-law and friends and I don't see any problem in using hand me down clothes at all. I also do quite a bit of my shopping at Once Upon a Child. As for the shoes ~ I would just make sure that they aren't TOO used. I had read somewhere that it's usually not a good idea to wear hand me down shoes because the shoe molds to the foot of the original owner and could make walking difficult ~ especially for a toddler. I wish I had some advice about storing stuffed animals, but I haven't had to do that quite yet. I'd be interested to see what others have to say, though. :-)
HI J.,
We've used hand-me-down shoes and not had any trouble, as long as they were still fairly new.
As far as storage, we keep the stuffed animals in large baskets. We have a wicker laundry basket in my daughter's room and a barrel shaped one with a handle in the playroom. These work well because they blend in somewhat with the decor of the house and the kids have good access to them, for taking out AND putting away! :-)