Yes as you are very contagious with Strep throat I dealt with it all my life as I am prone to allergies that lead to sinus infeactions which in turn lead to bouts with Strep throat. Strep throat can be passed from person to person. When a person who has strep throat breathes, coughs, or sneezes, tiny droplets with the strep bacteria go into the air. These droplets can be breathed in by other people. If you come into contact with strep, it will take 2 to 5 days before you start to have symptoms. If the rapid strep test says that you don't have strep (the test is negative) but your symptoms suggest that you do, your doctor may want to do a throat culture to be sure. This is because rapid strep tests are not always accurate. To do a throat culture, the doctor will swab a sample of cells from the back of your throat. The sample will go into a special cup (culture) where the strep bacteria can grow over time. If strep bacteria grow, the doctor knows that you have strep.
If the rapid strep test is positive and says that you do have strep, there’s no need to do the throat culture. Dr.s usually treat strep with antibiotics but unfortunately they do not make you feel any better only lots of bes rest. I hope your litlle one recoups quickly!
Best regards,
M. R