HI Stressed Mom
I am sorry you have put your self in this situation. We all feel stressed out some times and I know it can just take your breath away. when I feel stressed I decide what is really important and what I can put to the side for when I have more time. When nothing can be put to the side I call in the troops for help (my kids, my husband, a cleaning company, whatever I need and can afford).
I don't want to sound mean or flip about your situation but I have to take out all the fluff on things like how to help get your kids involved and how to help hubby find a job.
Stress is self induced (not all, but yours is). We also teach people how to treat us. So my question to you is why are you allowing them to treat you as the maid and slave. Why is that ok w/ you. When are you going to say enough is enough. You are taking care of all of these people, who is taking care of you. If I where you I would just stop. I would not do another thing for any of them. On your way to work grab breakfast, on your way home grab dinner (for you and only you). I would take your trash out, and clean up your messes. If it where me I would go on strike! Yes they will let the house get to be a mess, they will only stay hungry for so long. Let them know it is time for you to take care of you, they don't seem to care about you. Let them know you will no longer be their made or slave. They only treat you that way because you allow it, stop. I am not saying it has to be the battle of the wills, and it may get that way. But stick to your guns. I don't know how long you have been doing this, so it may take some time to reverse. when you get home from work and they all ask what is for dinner I would say you don't know you have eaten and sit down and relax. wash your own clothes and clean up your own messes, don't tuch their stuff. We know they will give in and eat, but if they don't start to clean up I wold put their sh-- at the curb. And if hubby will not stop playing on the computer I would forget to pay the internet bill. There is no excuse for him to treat you, your house and the kids w/ that little respect. Kids have to be taught, but he should know better.
I wish you all the best w/ this and I hope you get to feel less stress soon. If all else fails, check into a spa for a long weekend. Keep us posted and take care of yourself.