www.grocerygame.com is the one you have to pay for. I tried the trial and forgot to cancel it before i got charged! Its an ok site, I think once you get the hang of it, you can do it on your own. It seems like you basically just keep track of sales and comparison shop and save the coupons for when prices hit rock bottom, then you stock up. The website is healpful in some ways, it tells you EVERYTHING on sale so you don't have to look through a flyer and it color codes things for you. Also, I have it set up to use Meijers, so it will tell me when I buy a certain amount of a product, what kinds of coupons will print off immediately.
Overall, it might be useful to do the 4 week trial for $1 and its not terribly expensive after that, but you might just break even or maybe you will save more! I'm not putting a whole lot of effort into every week, but it has helped us know when sales are and if we just wait one more day something we need will be cheaper!
Hope this helps!