I had it done at 38 and 39 weeks, because I was 2 cm beginning at about 36 weeks. I was 41 and had gestational diabetes, so the doctor was concerned, and I honestly cannot blame him, especially when one contemplates that OB/GYN doctors have the highest rate of malpractice suits brought against them, many of which are not their fault.
Anyway, I did have pain. In fact, for me it was very painful. The first time was so painful that my body's reaction was to vomit. From the other posts, it seems like my reaction is the exception to the rule.
It did not break my water. My OB did that in the hospital when I was induced. Ended up with a c-section, but that was because my boy's head was (and still is) enormous!! LOL.
Just try to remember this: It does not matter how the child gets into the world, what matters is that the child and mom are healthy and safe.