Summer Education

Updated on March 25, 2008
R.I. asks from Duncanville, TX
4 answers

I have always been really big on education. I am an education major and I want the best for my son. With that being said I need some help. My son went to pre-k last year and knows his letters, numbers, and letter sounds. I want to continue to reinforce that over the summer but I am having trouble finding flash cards that have both the capital letters on one flash card and the lower case letters on another flash card. They all have them on the same flash card. He is having a bit of a hard time recognizing some of the letters. If anyone knows a website that I can print some off of or some place close to Duncanville I would appreciate the help.

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So What Happened?

I want to thank everyone for there help. Just thought I would let yall know that I did go to Target and find some cards. The odd part about it was I never emptied my sons backpack at the end of the year and did so today where I found a package of those cards from his teachers. Weird huh?

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

Try I have a 4 year old and he likes the program Headsprout. In fact it's really great as you can be doing other things while your child is practicing. It's interactive so you should hear your child sounding out the words, etc.




answers from Dallas on


I just picked up a pack at Target. It has the 26 uppercse and 26 lowercase cards and also has pix of stuff that beggins with that letter.



answers from Dallas on

Hi, try They also have a store in Duncanville. You can get their address off of their website. Hope this helps!




answers from Dallas on

go to borders bookstore.

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