Hi R.,
My son is also allergic to nuts, and milk. When he was born the DR. told us for the first year not to give him any, wheat, eggs, corn, milk, nuts. He grew out of the allergys to wheat, eggs,and corn. Wheat products actually made his allergies worse. The first year was hard, I also nursed him until he was 14 months. Every formula we tried he was also allergic to. He is now 11 and he is a picky eater, however he is not airborn allergic to anything. That was my biggest worry. I depended on Gerber products until he was 3. He also loved their cereal. He finally gave it up on his own. When there are so many foods they can not eat, I think sometimes it is easier to let them have the foods you know won't hurt them and that they like. One other little thing my son does not like any sweats, and it does not bother him if other kids have candy and treats in front of him. (Adults have more problem with him not eating the treats) Try giving him a little more time if you can. Good luck.
In His Service,