The past two years I have had my now 19 month old son take swim lessons from Infant Swimming Resource. They are a nationally know organization. They have never had ISR trained child drown. They teach infants as young as 6 months old up to 6 years old to save themselves if they fall into the pool. They are taught to immediately turn over and float on their backs and wait for someone to get them out. Now that your son is a little older he would also be taught to alternate floating with a swim/crawl motion to get himself to the side of the pool. The local instructor is in Magnolia. The lessons are everyday for about 6 weeks and you have to monitor their sleeping and eating habits on a form. It is work for the parent, but IT IS TOTALLY WORTH IT! Especially with having your son go to your mother in law's house. With traditional swim lessons, they do teach a child to be comfortable in the water and to "swim", but many times a child will fall into the water and panic. ISR shows them they have a tool for "rescuing" themselves. I urge you to check out their website and watch the video. It is www.infantswim.com .