My baby does not like the car either. She is 4 months old. We have a little civic and i have found that the cold air does not get to her as quickly as i thought and she tends to get hot quick. Then when she cries, she overheats instantly. Make sure there is enough air circulating in the back seat. Also i have einstein cds, i think the soothing music distracts her from being upset. Lullaby and traveling melodies are her favorites. I try to talk to her and sing to her before she gets fussy. Otherwise it is too late. She also has a few toys she can hold easily, it keeps her busy for a bit. My little one likes to bite on her burp clothes. It keeps her entertained and it is so big, if she drops it, it stays right there for her to pick up again. Another suggestion,i have one of those teddy bear mirrors to see her, i catch her looking at that alot. Maybe have your older child draw a few very colorful pictures for your little one to look at. And then change them before he gets upset. I know you know cuz you are a mom but make sure he is stuffed and burped. That will make a big difference in his mood. And he will take longer naps hopefully. Will your 5 year old be in back seat with him? He can entertain(read, sing, play, even talk) or stick the binky back in at least. I imagine he would rather play his gb though. I am usually alone in the car, it is a godsend for someone to be in the backseat. I sometimes take our dog for a car ride just so she has something to look at. It usually works! Hope this helps! We are from ohio also....be safe in your travels! I heard they are getting lots of snow! :( have warm clothes handy