How about a mystic tan instead? It's not streaky like the store bought spray ons.....and you can still go to the tanning salon to get it done. It lasts about 10 days.
I do not want to seem like a bad person by asking this question nor do i want to get any hate mail. My question is how harmful are tanning beds while your pregnant. I have heard pro's and con's. I know every has there personal opnion about them i would like to just know the mediacal reasons for not tanning while pregnant.
How about a mystic tan instead? It's not streaky like the store bought spray ons.....and you can still go to the tanning salon to get it done. It lasts about 10 days.
I don't know if you are supposed to or not, but I didn't tan while I was pg. I had a package that I had just bought so I just called the salon and they let me use it this year.
I was told not to tan while pregnant b/c it makes your core temp too hot for the baby. The same with laying out or using hot tubs. It is bad for the baby when your body temp gets too high. I would speak with your doctor though to see what his/her feelings on it are.
Hi A.. I've been reading some of the other responses and agree with most of them. I have seen 2 different OB/GYN's and they both gave me paperwork stating that it was a bad idea to get in a tanning bed, hot tub, or sauna because of the temperature increase. My ex sister in law almost lost my niece because she used to sit in the hot tub everyday to relax. It's your choice, but I didn't want to risk it with either of my 2 kids. I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy and welcome to motherhood!
As my doctor said, "Don't bake the baby." How about getting outside for some fresh air and a little tanning time, relax with a magazine, put your feet up, you deserve it. Your little one can play nearby.
From the research I did while I was pregnant, it seems like it would not be a good idea to tan while pregnant, and the doctors on the medical sites I looked at said absolutely not in a tanning bed. Also, and sorry but I'm going to throw my two cents in, I've had three skin cancer biopsies (all negative so far, whew!!) and my aunt who loved to sunbathe died of skin cancer in her 30's and left behind two children. Maybe you might want to consider giving up tanning in tanning bed and real sun, pregnant or not. My mom is in her 60's and looks like she is in her 40's. I'm guessing the reason her skin looks so good is because she has stayed out of the sun her whole life - wearing big floppy hats to the beach and to work in the yard, wearing long sleeves to work out in the yard, sunblock, etc. And then you see those older tan ladies who look like their skin is made of leather because it's so damaged and of course they really aren't as old as I think. And I just looooove the look of pale skin. I know it's a completely false stereotype, but when I see a girl who is pale, I automatically think she is smart and intelligent for some reason (maybe because she would spend so much time indoors studying?? ha ha, I know, this is silly) or an artist or someone like that or European and when I see a tanned girl I get a completely different impression, I'm ashamed to say, that she is kind of "ditsy" and more superficial, Barbie-type girl that is too concerned with her appearance because she would take all that time to work on the tan. I know, that's awful, I'm sorry. I'm not saying that is what YOU are like. I really am embarrassed to admit that perception and it is soooooo wrong. Like I said, silly sterotype, completely false, but that is honestly what comes to mind so I thought I should share it. Just my opinion. Anyway, I'm not trying to criticize you at all, I'm just giving my advice from my point of view, to consider with all the rest, thanks for listening, but again, the research I did said to absolutely stay away from tanning beds while pregnant. I don't think there is medical evidence that REAL sun is damaging to the baby though, just damaging to your own skin. I'd be interested in knowing what your OBGYN has to say; I never asked mine at the time because I don't tan, for obvious reasons. Good luck, and sorry this is so long, I know it is more advice than you asked for. Oh my gosh, I just read another post and had to come back and edit my response. I had totally forgotten about keeping your core body temp. low, and lying in the sun, outside or tanning bed, definately would get you warmer, which is very damgerous to the baby. Now I remember reading about that in my pregnancy books. Good luck with everything, and PS you said you don't want to sound like a bad person, I don't think you are a bad person, don't get down on yourself, just think about the baby, which you obviously are!!!
I very much agree with those recommending against tanning (pretty much everyone). I would also not use the self-tanning lotions because they use chemicals to cause the tan. These chemicals are absorbed through the skin and concentrated in high amounts in the fetus. Even though you might not be exposed to much, your baby ends up swimming in it. Why expose your baby to unnecessary risk when you don't have to? You also should be careful about makeup and nail polish. I would do some internet searches about the safety of your particular products. I was very surprised to find some of the common lotions and makeup products that are quite harmful. (By the way, I'm not one of those extreme moms who avoids everything.) One more thing that became SO important to me during my pregnancy was being careful of MYSELF. I love my child soooo much that I try to be more careful to avoid anything that might shorten my life (such as tanning) and leave my child without a mommy.
There is so much controversy as to how bad tanning beds are for your skin to begin with that I would consult your OBGYN and take his/her advise. It's always better to be safe than sorry later. Congrats on your pregnancy!
I am a breast cancer survivor and have done a lot of research regarding cancers. I do know that if you tan in a bed under the age of 20, you're 80% more likely to develop cancer. The reason is as a youth, the body's cells are still rapidly forming. If you introduce radiation during this rapid formation, you are more likely to create mutant (sometimes cancerous) cells. As a typical rule of thumb, anything you ingest while pregnant gets passed to the fetus at 20 times the rate - 1 cigarette for you equals 1 pack for it, 1 beer = 1 case, etc. This is also true for tanning, xrays, junk foods, topical creams, etc. My advice would be to keep it natural and sit in the sun for awhile. You will also gain much needed vitamin D. Be wary of sunblocks, here is a site that has done extensive testing on several hundred types(www.ewg.org).
With any luck, they should be off the shelf by the time your little one is born, but if not, make sure you're not feeding them with bottles containing polycarbonate (http://www.enn.com/health/article/30284). The less chemicals your baby absorbs now means they'll be much healthier children and adults. And that means less trips to the doc and more money for the fun stuff. I hope this helps :}
Im a tanning bed addict, self proclaimed. Im 19 weeks pregnant and asked my dr the same question. Is it ok to tan? She said no because of the tempature increase. But she said go ahead for the spray tan. So for mothers day this year my husband bought me the 4 pack Mystic Tan from Palm Beach (I love him so much.. haha!) and its worked out great. We have had alot of pregnancy issues in the past, so I wouldnt do anything in the world to harm our baby, but honestly its nice to have a little more than a "pregnancy glow". You know?
Good luck with your pregnancy, and try to stay strong and not jump in the tanning bed.
very much!!! I understand how you feel wanting a tan, but it is very harmful to the baby. I recommend some of the gradual self tanner. It looks natural, and you can keep it up all through summer alot cheaper than tanning beds.
Medically, the main reason I have heard is it raises your body temp much higher than what is good for your baby and could throw you into early labor or cause developmental problems.
it would be about as stupid as putting yourself in a microwave...as that is about the same thing.
Sorry,...that's harsh, but those tanning beds are terrible on the body.
The sun hasn't hurt anyone YET. The chemicals you put in your body, (aspartame, among others) REACTS with the sun, and you get whatever problems arise....the sun itself is not harmful.
That's media hype people would do well to investigate on their own.
Lay out in the sun...enjoy nature. That's what it's there for.
Dont do it! Its just not worth the risk. (I think of the "microwave comment..") Sit outside and get some sun.. you'll have plenty of time to scorch your skin in a bed when you are no longer pregnant. Have you tried sunless tanners?
I don't know where to start. But Absolutely no tanning while pregnant. It is important to not increase your core body temperature during pregnancy by sauna, hot tub, too hot of a bath or tanning (fake bake or nat. sun) because your babies organs are developing and well if i remember correctly is has to do with brain formation, spinal cord and well other organs possible increased risk of damage. But all in all, there is no way real way to know how bad it is for your baby.
So i guess what i am trying to say is that ..
this is one of the many sacrifices you will make as a mommy
and always better safe than sorry.
The best way to not be regretful is to not doing things you will regret.
Whatever you choose i still wish the best for your little one's health.
But I hope this isn't a difficult decision and that you refrain for the best 38 weeks of your life.
Tanning beds tan you from the inside out...Unlike the sun which tans your skin first...That is why you have to be oh so careful even when not pregnant not to hurt your insides. I have owned tanning beds and know a lot about them and I would highly recommend to NOT tan while pregnant. If you want to lay out in natural sunlight that would be fine just be careful about that as well. Hope this helps....Good Luck with your pregnancy.
Its not recommended. My OBGYN forbids it for his pregnant patience. Even if you are not pregnant, tanning beds are not considered healthy and without risk. When you are carrying a developing fetus, it is of the utmost importance to be careful what you allow into your body. That includes anything topical absorbed thru the skin. Believe me, we all would love to be tanned when we are pregnant. Tanned fat looks a lot better than white pasty fat. You will just have to look at this as the beginning of many sacrifices that you will make for you children. Get ready sister.
I used to manage 2 tanning salons. We had a liablity notice that you had to sign and you also had to bring in a release from your OB-GYN. In the 2 years that I was there we only had one pregnant lady come in. I would check with your doctor.
I say go for it. Meaning by this, not to tan excessivly, but in small moderations is fine to maintain your current tan. I was prego with my 3rd child and asked my OB if it would be fine and he responded with telling me the risks of skin cancer. About the heating of the body core, you have the same risk of getting over heating in a tanning bed as you would working in your yard in the summer time. I agree that you shouldn't over heat yourself anytime even if your not prego. This is true but my Dr. also told me that if you just spend a few minutes in the bed before your body really has a chance to get overheated and you don't do it excessivly, he seen no reason that I wouldn't be able to continue my tanning. Everyone here has there own opinion, but just ask your Ob about it, and ask him for his professional opinion not his personal (thereis a huge difference)if in mederation if it would be ok to tan for a few minutes just to maintain your tan not to get darker. You could even lay out or go swimming is another alternative. Natural sun has the same risks though. Alot of people just don't think about it. Skin Cancer and Overheating. As long as you take care of yourself your baby will be fine. You should also research it. There is alot of medical opinions that were pro's and con's but you will find the difference being pro's were professional studies and con's were personal opinions. Just be careful and have fun this summer. Being prego is a awesome time in your life, and it doesn't handicap you like alot of people will have you think. You are still able to do almost anything you want. You have a mother instinct already to decide what you should and shouldn't do for you and the baby's safety. So tan if you want or don't it is definitley your right to decide.
Here is some information I found on tanning in a bed during pregnancy. I don't think you should because it can cause harm to your unborn child but its a personal decision to take that risk.You can google tanning during pregnancy and look on the websites and see what they say
Americanpregnancy.com says this about tanning in a bed during pregnancy
Most health care providers advise against any activity that might raise your body temperature, such as saunas or tanning beds. Overheating is associated with spinal malformations in the baby.
Some studies also link UV rays and folic acid deficiency. Folic acid prevents neural tube defects, such as spina bifida, and is especially important in the first trimester. During pregnancy, your skin is more susceptible to burning and chloasma, the dark splotches that appear on the face during pregnancy. Speak to your health care provider about the safety of tanning beds during pregnancy.
I don't know much about tanning beds (as they're pointless for my impossible-to-tan hide... cheap Irish skin... grumble LOL), but I'm assuming that it's as much to do with body core heating as anything (although skin damage when tanning can cause your body to produce free radicals, which can be the building blocks for cancer, and those are things you don't want to pass onto the baby) like with hot tubs and saunas. A study in Sweden a few years back on hot tubs (natural hot springs, really) found that women who regularly used the hot springs suffered no complications from continuing to use them while pregnant, whereas women who didn't use them regularly before becoming pregnant DID have complications after beginning to use them WHILE pregnant.
I'd imagine tanning might be similar. If done in short bursts by a body that is used to the heating/cooling cycle of tanning, I can't imagine too much harm. That said, I, personally, just wouldn't tan while pregnant. I can't see myself putting that many UV rays right on my preggo belly.
Just my opinion, which may be way off, I'll admit LOL :)
If you want to know the medical reasons you should ask a medical professional.
I recently read an article about how much more damage Tanning beds to your skin than any other form of tanning. I would ask your doctor if you want to know about tanning and pregnancy. personally, I would never do it while pregnant, but ask your OB.
Please avoid the tanning bed while you are pregnant! I am sure your OB would tell you the same thing! Tanning beds are unhealthy when you aren't pregnant so don't risk the health of your unborn child. You can always tan (in a healthy way) later.
Beyone the usual issues about suntanning the problem with tanning while pregnant (out in the sun or fake baking) is that due to hormones you will get a lot of blotchy dark spots, especially on your face. I never wear sunscreen like I should since I am indoors most of the time but when I was pregnant I wore sunscreen every day just avoid to blotchy spots.
I've just always been told that tanning beds will get your body temperature too high for the baby's safety. Kinda the same reason we can't go into a sauna or hot tub while pregnant. Just an idea to look at. I'm pregnant with my 4th and would love to go tanning but I guess I'd rather be safe than sorry. Hope this helps.
Hi A.,
As a person who has had Melanoma (skin cancer) and lost my father to it when he was 40, I say embrace your paleness! I too love the look of a moderate tan, but a scare at 23 prompted my own lack of sun worship (and that was 10 years after I lost my dad! I still didn't learn!)
health wise, for you and your baby, skip it, at least until your body is your own again. Added bonus of skipping the sun? Great skin later. I just saw a bunch of old freinds, 2 of whom were sun worshipers and they looked several years older and wrinkly already in their late 30's!
I don't want to harp or preach, you have to make your own choices, but consider the risks versus the benifits, for your pregnancy and beyond. Good luck with your baby...it a great thing!
My sister floated in her pool for an hour a day while pregnant and her doctor just told her to not over do it and make sure she drinks plenty of fluids. My nephew has no problems he is a healthy happy 2 year old.
I also have a friend how is older that did the same thing and her kids never had any problems.
In both cases they were in the sun not a tanning bed. I do not know the dangers of that. I do know that when I worked at a tanning salon we did not allow people that we new were pregnant to tan. You may face that issue.
I think as long as you do it in moderation you will be okay but that is just my opinion.
I think it's mainly due to your body temperature. It is harmful for the baby if your body temperature rises - just like using a hot tub. I did use the self tanning lotions when I was pregnant and also go the spray on tan at the salon but my dr said to stay out of the tanning bed, hot tubs, too hot of a shower, etc. because that is not good for the baby. Best of luck to you!
I know that when I was pregnant I laid out in the sun went boating and swimming. But this was all natural.
Hi A.!
I used to work at a tanning salon and the only true medical reason that I know of to stay out of the tanning beds is for the same reason you shouldn't take hot baths and get into hot tubs and saunas: the heat your body produces while in these conditions causes your blood to pump harder and takes blood flow away from your baby. My suggestion for tanning while you're pregnant is outdoor sun in 15 minute spurts (because the Vitamin D is SO important), and the spray tans that some salons offer. Also, some salons have tanning lamps for the face and legs only, and if you use these sparingly (without causing an increased heart rate and sweating), you should have no problem!
I totally understand your predicament, because I am quite the tanning enthusiast! I don't know what I'd do without my tan!
Much luck to you!
I just started tanning again after 7 years, I didn't know anything about it and quit when I found out I was pregnant with my first son. Anyways, I forgot how hot those things get and though I never inquired about it whenever I was pregnant, I didn't think that they were safe during pregnancy simply because of the high heat that comes with the UV bulbs in the tight space. I probably wouldn't recommend it.
Very simple! Ask your obstetricion.
That is the same as any other type of radiation....tanning beds DO harm the skin, and if I were you, I would NEVER take ANY chance in harming my unborn child. You are the only chance it has as beginning a healthy life. Just do what I did and lie out in the sun to tan a little at a time. Do NOT get too hot....that's not good either. Avoid the hottest times of the day. Not using tanning beds while pregnant is worth the health of your baby.
I would not go into a tanning bed while pregnant just to be on the safe side. However, there is no reason you can't do a spray on tan which are awesome looking, cheap and quick! You can also lie out in the sun if you don't get too hot. We had a pool while I was pregnant and I was on bedrest (ugh!) but I took a raft out to the pool and floated around a few hours several times a week. It was totally relaxing, I got a great tan and my doctor approved!
i remember my doctor saying it wasn't the rays that are harmful (of course they are to our skin..) but overheating that was...you're not supposed to get so hot when you're pregnant. i remember going to a tanning bed that was air conditioned (and maybe no uvb rays or something like that) but only when i was not showing yet, since i didn't want to look like an awful mom either. i also did the mist tan when i was pregnant.