Hello Pearla,
I had to have a TB test done as well while I was pregnant. There is a test that can be used for women who are pregnant that doesn't have some product in it that is safe. I forget the name of it, sorry.
I am applying for part-time work and they require a TB test. My NP said its ok, but i was wondering if anyone had any adverse reactions (i always come out negative). I'm just concerned about being injected with whatever that is they do.
This job requires it, and i don't want anyone to know i am pregnant just yet.
Thank you to all who responded.. i felt much more at ease today when i took the test. This site is great, it was my first time with a Request. All you mommies rock!
Hello Pearla,
I had to have a TB test done as well while I was pregnant. There is a test that can be used for women who are pregnant that doesn't have some product in it that is safe. I forget the name of it, sorry.
I'm a Mom and also a MD, if fact I specialize in High Risk OB.
The test is very very safe. I took it in the first trimester myself. Even if you have a positive reaction (I get tested every six months), it is a local skin reaction, nothing more.
I worked for a department that required us to TB test every year. The serum they inject you with is completely safe and it is only injected under the first layer of skin. I was tested during both of my pregnancies as were many of my co-workers (at one time there were 6 of us pregnant at the same time!) and all of us were fine!
Hi - I switched jobs while pregnant, and actually had two TB tests during the span of my pregnancy. Spoke to my ob about it because I was considered "high risk" - he said the tests were absolutely safe for everyone (I mean, they TB test TINY infants sometimes. I never had any adverse effects.
when i was about 3 months pregnant with my daughter, my 8 year son had a positive TB test so everyone in my family had to be tested. Just to let you know I was concerned as well however everything turned out fine. My son has been treated for being exposed to TB (he didnt have it) and my daughter is perfectly healthy.
I took a TB test (also for a job requirement) when I was about 5 months pregnant with my first. My OB/GYN said it was perfectly safe. My baby is now a healthy 4 year old boy!
I had to have one also and had no problems. I was concerned too. My 9 wk old is fine and I had no complications w/ my pregnancy.
You can request your NP to do a blood test instead, you may have to get it approved first with your insurance carrier, but I don't think they usually have a problem as long as you explain that you are pregnant and don't want the TB injection.