First off...I want to say that I am not trying to lecture you and I hope that you will not take this in a bad way BUT....
You need to make sure that playing hockey is what your SON wants to do and not what your HUSBAND wants him to do. I know that you referenced in your request that your son is interested but kids have a deep seated desire to please parents and especially when your son reads from your husband that hockey is important to him. As the Mom of 2 boys (6 and 3) I am APPALLED at the pressure that is being put on young boys in sports by well meaning adults. I really believe that they are living vicariously through their children with the hopes that their children will be either the sports star that they were or maybe never were and felt bad about it. It is disgusting to go to ball games and hear parents yell at their children and to see the sadness on the child's face because they are obviously not pleasing them. Adults have taken all of the fun out of sports for kids. I would say that you tell your husband if he cannot play with your son and not be critical then he should not play with your son. The emotional problems that you are setting your son up for because of this (unable to please his ddad and the feeling of being not good enough..failure )will be with him for the rest of his life. I would advise to find a local rink that has kids hockey and introduce your son that way. Many kids in my neighborhood (same age as your son)are doing this now and their parents say that the coaches are really good and patient with the kids. In closing let me just say that if American parents and other adults (school districts even) put as much interest and energy into academics as they do into kids sports we would truly have the smartest kids on the planet. I will get off my soapbox now!