S., first you need to start by taking everything away from him. The Computer (myspace) and his cell phone. Once you take away his contacts then the next is the tv. Let him remain grounded from these items until you see an improvement. Let him know that YOU ARE THE BOMB. He sounded like my teen until I did those things. No myspace or texting or tv or socializing until there was an improvement. He will argue , fight, yell, scream but do not respond to him except with the rules and when you remain calm it will scare the **** out of him. It is not your norm and he will not know how to react to this. He may even get nice with you. Just let him know that the is the behavaior you are looking for and let him remain grounded until the grades go up. Pray. and Pray again. Continue to Pray and show love by giving him structure, standards,and rules that you stick by.
Good Luck I will pray for you.