I too started as you, the wiping method. Then when our son got his first tooth, I introduced the baby toothbrush while still using the wiping method. I let him hold one brush, while I have another. We take turns in brushing his teeth. All went well for several months, and then well, he decided to fight the task (around 15 months I believe, he is now 18 months). No fun, but I kept plugging ahead. Don't give in otherwise you will have a whole other battle on your hands. Once they begin to clearly understand the rhyme and reason of teethbrushing, it will be A-OK again. I also decided to use the finger brush again because when he challenges the process, I feel that I am better equipped with the finger brush in getting his gums and teeth clean. I still have him hold and alternate with his toothbrush. I also have him brush when I brush and make the fun noises in order to make the experience fun. I also have found in order to truly get a good brush and clean in, I have him lay on his back. Sometimes in front of his favorite video or playing music on the CD player. Seems to preoccupy during the cleaning and well, gets the job done without too much fuss. Good luck and have fun!