Teething - Simi Valley,CA

Updated on February 19, 2009
K.D. asks from Simi Valley, CA
42 answers

My 8.5mo old is teething something fierce, poor little guy will also wake up in the middle of the night screaming occasionally. Does anyone know anything about these teething tablets? Baby Orajel seems to work ok but someone at work suggested these teething tablets that are homeopathic anyone know about them? Any advise is welcome:) Thanks


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So What Happened?

Hi Everyone!!!
Thanks for your quick responses and ideas. I can't tell you how great I think this site is!!! We have gotten the Hyland's teething tablets at target last night and he is doing great with them! I also have two wash clothes in baggies in the freezer we'll see how that goes this afternoon and a bottle of baby motrin on stand-by:)

Thank you all!!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hello K.,
I am a mother of 5 boys, ages 2 through 19 and used Humphries "3" for each of them. It works wonders. You give them three little pills, I would just give them one by one in the mouth,they dissolve instantly and work immediatly. It also calms the diarrhea down.I still use them for my lil one and he seems to know what they are as soon as he sees me break out the bottle they come in. They have been around as long as i can remember.My mother also used them for us. They are safe.You could get them from target they do keep them behind the counter only $4. I hope you do let the lil guy try them at least, he'll be the one to judge.
good luck and just have patience. Do let us know.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi, My baby is 10 months old with 10 tooth. When he was in a lot of pain we give him Tylenol.




answers from Reno on

I've heard great things about the teething tablets. Personally, they didn't work for my little guy. With all 3 of my kids I just gave them some tylenol to help them sleep and relieve some pain and it worked out better. A cold teething ring really helped too. All of mine prefered the ones with the little bumpy's on it. It massaged while it cooled and eased the pain. Good luck!

More Answers



answers from Los Angeles on

Hylands Teething Tablets are awesome! So, are the Humphrey's Teething Strips...my friend loves them. But, also you can rub clove oil on the gums and it eases the swelling and irritation. If you have a Whole Foods type store nearby, they carry EVERYTHING you need to help ease your little one's teething issues!

Also, Motrin is more effective for nighttime teething issues than Tylenol...

Good Luck!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Las Vegas on

Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em. My mom used them (the Hylands brand) for me and my sister when we were infants, I used them when I was 17 and my wisdom teeth were coming in (they were the only thing that helped the pain other than Tylenol w/ Codeine) and now I'm using them for my 5.5 month old son. He hates having them in his mouth, but he looks for the bottle when he's in pain.

ETA - Tylenol does NOTHING for swelling. It will help pain and fever, but it has no effect on swelling at all. Advil does work on swelling, if that's a direction you want to go in.



answers from Los Angeles on

Orajel did absolutely nothing for my son. Humphry's teething tablets are the ONLY thing that got me through his teething. He hated the taste of Orajel but the Cherry flavored tablets he gobbled up like candy. I know you're supposed to dissolve them first but I always gave them to him whole and then he would chew them up. They still worked!



answers from Los Angeles on

Try them. They did not work for me though. My doctor suggested tylenol and orajel. I have used tylenol mostly. I also tried the all natural teething drops and those did not work. Cold teethers help too. Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi K.,
I know that the gel form like Orajel noramlly doesn't work well because it is washed away by the childs drooling or saliva. When my daughter was teething I would soack a clean face towell and then place in a zip lock back & freeze it, then when she was have a rough time with her teeth I would take it out and give her the frozen towell to chew on. It worked pretty well & gave her some relief : )



answers from Los Angeles on

Baby Oragel, or any gel for that matter can actually toughen the gums to make it harder for the teeth to pop out so I would not use that. That is what we were told in our childbirth prep classes. We use Hylands teething tablet and they work great! My dd cracks us up because when we show her the teething tablet bottle she gets all excited. Another thing to do during the day is to take the corner of a washcloth, wet it with drinking water, freeze it and let him chew on it. You can also give him celery to chew on, if he does not have alot of teeth use one of those mesh food bags. It is a natural numbing agent. Good luck, I know how miserable teething is, I am still going through it at 14 months, my dd only has four teeth so far!



answers from Honolulu on

K., Hi! I raised most of my 5 daughters and many of my granDchildren on Hyland's Teething tablets. They are safe, homeopathiC and melt on contact with baby's salivA. It is not a pain pill..what it does is help to restore the PH balance in the child's system which has become very acidic during teething...another reason for drool and phlegm the body trying to neutralize the acid, but the gums need the acidic condition for the teeth to break thru. It will help the baby's tummy calm down so you can all get some rest.( Diarrhea, cramps, gas ease up aLMOST IMMEDIATELY!) I use the Hyland brank exclusively because I have grown to trust them...available at Long's or most Health food stores - very affordable. Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

The homeopathic tablets are called "Humphreys" they are not very expensive and work very well. You can get them from any drug store like Walgreens, Rite Aid or CVS. If you can't find them on the shelf ask the pharmacist they sometime have them put away. Good Luck



answers from Los Angeles on

these tablets are a mix of several remedies selected out of hundreds available based on 80/20 rule. may or may not work depending on your son's individual reaction. does not mean that there is no homeopathic remedy that can help him - just means it is not used in the mix. if tablets don't work, see professional homeopath.
Good Luck



answers from San Diego on

Hi K.,

I have not heard of the teething tablets. But one suggestion I have that worked for me when I knew my baby was teething was to give him tylenol or motrin before bedtime. Mine also use to run a low fever when teething, so this helped him feel a little better and helped him sleep through the night. During the day it didn't seem to bother him as much....I think there is something about laying down and the blood pressure changing that causes the pain to be more severe.....I have no clue, but anyway, they get very uncomfortable and I feel for your little one and you ;-)




answers from San Diego on

We use Hylands teething tablets too. They also make a gel, but the tablets work best with my daughter. I have even used them after orthodontic adjustments for myself and they help. I also heard some not so good things about Orajel. But I have always been more of a homeopathic Momma and prefer to try natural ways before going for the meds.



answers from Los Angeles on


The Hylands teething tablets are wonderful!! I have a 21 month old and a 10 month old....teething at the same time as few months ago. I keep a bottle of those everywhere. I have one in the car, one in the van, and one in each diaper bag. I even have some at my parents house, so when we visit there, if they are needed, they are handy. As someone else said, you can put a bottle in the baby's mouth right after giving them the tablets and not have a worry about hurting their tongues. My 21 month old used the Orajel for a while, but, it did not work for her. A friend had me try the tablets and they worked immediately. So, I went and bought a lot of them. Now, with the 10 month old, we use them religiously. They are a life saver, for me at least.



answers from Los Angeles on

I used the Hylands teething tablets for all 4 kids and it works great. But there were a couple times when the teething was very, very bad, I had to give them Tylonel. My kids hated Baby Orajel. Every baby is different so you just need to find something that works best for your baby. Good Luck!



answers from Denver on

Hi! My first daughter (now almost 16 months old) began teething at 4 months. We used Hyland's tablets with her with great success. We heard horror stories about the Baby Orajel and a friend recommended we try the homeopathic tablets instead. It can't hurt to try! Good luck-



answers from San Diego on

I know people swear by the teething tablets...but they didn't do a thing for us. The only thing that works for us is Tylenol (and Motrin on the really bad days). Teething seems to last forever...we go through a rough week about every two months. I found extra love, hugs and distraction helps during the day. At night, tylenol at the first sign of sleeplessness or pain seems to do the trick.



answers from San Diego on

We tried the tablets and the homeopathic teething drops. The only thing that seemed to work for our son was Tylenol. We only used the Baby Orajel for temporary relief while we were waiting for the Tylenol to kick in, but anything is worth a try. I've heard people swear by the tablets. Good luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

I used the Hymans teething tablets with my daughter and they work great! She didn't mind the taste or texture and they really helped her out. I also use Orajel for her and I also let her chew on a cold wet washcloth.



answers from Los Angeles on


The Hylands works wonderfully for both of my kids. We have not had any side effects.

- K.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi K.! I used the Hylands teething tablets with my babies and they are WONDERFUL! Totally safe. I just finished my degree in natural health, with some of the focus being on homeopathy, so I actually got to learn how they work and why they're safe. I highly recommend them! Good luck - teething is no fun for anyone!




answers from Los Angeles on

I have tried it all with my 13 month old. Teething tablets worked fine until they have many teeth and bite down when you are placing the tablets under the tongue. My pediatrician said they were fine to use, but that the combination of ingredients may have a sedative affect. I actual do use the Orajel teething swabs on occasion and find that they are best when teething is really bad. Good Luck!



answers from San Diego on

Teething tablets are amazing. I highly recommend them. I actually threw out the orajel because the tablets worked so much better. They are little bitty tabs that instantly dissolve and the have almost no taste. They worked with my little girlwith her molars, my sisters twins, and her sister-in-laws girls too. Try them. They don't hurt. And you can get that needed sleep.

Mom of a 16 month old beautiful little girl.



answers from Las Vegas on

Hi K.,

There are hylands and humphrey's teething tablets that are homeopathic. The hylands seem to work a little better than the orajel and they dissolve in your baby's mouth. The humphrey's #3 tablets seem to work better/longer but you have to dissolve them in water which is a bit more of a hassle. Also, our pediatrician recommended that we start using Infant's Motrin after 6 months. If you can't find the dosage on the box you can ask your pediatrician. Our girls are getting molars right now, so I know all about those middle of the night wake ups. The good news is that once the teeth break through they seem to go back to sleeping better!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hylands is great. I also would reccomend Camilia. I found the Camilia at Ralphs in Foothill Ranch. My son is also 8.5 months and is getting his front teeth, both of these work really well.




answers from Los Angeles on

I've tried both Hylands and Humphreys. Hylands has lactose in it, so be cautious if your baby is allergic to dairy. It's really easy to use since the pellets dissolve quickly in the mouth.

My baby is slightly allergic to dairy so I switched over to Humphreys (only available at Walgreens). It was harder to use since you have to crush and dissolve the pellets in water. I had to stop using it too since my baby started to get a rash all over her body from it. I guess she's allergic to one of the homepathic ingredients.

Anyway, those are the two to get. In most cases, if you don't see either on the shelf then you need to go to the Pharmacy counter and ask for it. Most retailers only carry the Hylands I've noticed.



answers from Los Angeles on

We used them on all three of our kids. They dissolve quickly in their mouth and they really work!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi K.,
Yep, we've been using them for about a month. They are made by Hyland's and you can either put them under your baby's tongue and let them dissolve or dissolve them in a teaspoon of water and then give them to him with a dropper, or cup, etc. I definitely think they take the edge off but I'm not sure how much they do beyond that. I found them at Whole Foods and think they were in the 5-6 dollar range for 125 tablets (you typically give 2 to 3 at a time). When it's really bad and the tablets don't seem to be enough then we use baby Tylenol which seems to do the trick.
Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

I used the tablets, but think small doses of tylonol work better. Their gums are enflamed and swollen, so the tablets don't work for that really. Cold cucumbers, frozen banannas... hellp give them something to knaw on.



answers from Los Angeles on

I used both on my son, but the Baby Orajel is the only one that gave him relief. My sister-in-law used the homeopathic tablets on her two kids with wonderful results. A pediatrician friend also recommended Motrin (baby formula of course) to help with pain as the pain is caused by inflammation.

Hope this helps!!



answers from Los Angeles on

I noticed everyone mentioned the Hylands brand teething tablets, but you can also try the Little teethers. You can find this at babies/toys r us, target, kmart, etc.
It works wonders for my little one. The tablets dissolve instantly also so you can put it in your baby's bottle of directly in his mouth.

Hang in there!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi K., I have three boys and those teething tablets worked wonders. As long as you make sure you give it to him on time! Its been a while since my kids were teething but I think it's every 4-6 hours? Make sure you do that and he (and you) will be feeling better in no time.
Good Luck,
M. A.



answers from San Diego on

I used the teething tablet at one point or other with all four of mine. They are homeopathic and perfectly harmless, and they did seem to work.



answers from Los Angeles on

They are great and way cheaper than orajel too. I just got a bottle last sunday at Target for less than $4 dollars. I also noticed that oragel stings and the pills don't they dissolve in their mouth easy. (ask the pharmasist they have them behind the counter)



answers from Las Vegas on

hylands teething tablets are great and I also used baby orajel together. It also helps to keep a cold wash cloth handy for them to chew on



answers from Los Angeles on

We totally swear by those Hyland's Homeopathic teething tablets. They have something in them that works! You can get them at Wal-Mart and I've seen them at the market and places too. Good luck! :) They don't see to taste like anything where as the the orajel grosses me out!



answers from Los Angeles on

They are called Hylands teething tablets and they work great! They were all we used until my son started getting molars last month (he's 15 months). Now we use the tablets and Orajel. Molars are more painful and the Orajel has helped him and us greatly. You can get the tablets at Whole Foods & Babies R Us. By a few bottles and keep them everywhere in the house; one in bedroom, one in diaper bag, one in kitchen. That way you always have them and your not searching when baby is screaming in pain!
Good Luck!!


answers from Los Angeles on

Hello, Hylands makes a good teething tablet, and I highly recommend Boiron Camilia for teething, as well. You can find through Drustore.com or healthy markets, such as Mother's Market, etc. It's worth the price!



answers from Reno on

Both my sister and I swear by them. When my daughter was teething about a month ago, it was instant relief for her. She had been so fussy. I gave her a couple and she instantly fell asleep (because she had been so tired) Good luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi K.!
We used the teething tablets by Hylands for both children, and they seemed to really help. They dissolve
almost instantly so there is no concern for choking. I would definitely use them again for our next child.



answers from Los Angeles on

The teething tablets do nothing for my baby. I stick with Tylenol when necessary.

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