Hyland's Teething Tablets. They are all natural and can be purchased at your local Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-Mart etc...
My four and a half month old son is currently cutting his first tooth and he is not handling it very well...He is very needy and he will not sleep at all. I have tried teething tablets, baby popscicles, orajel, tylenol, you name it and he will sleep for an hour or two and then be awake and crying...I also just completely quit breastfeeding one week ago after weaning him for about a month...I did not know if any other moms had any advice or good ideas that might help my son during this time...Thanks for all the help :)
Hyland's Teething Tablets. They are all natural and can be purchased at your local Rite Aid, CVS, Wal-Mart etc...
hey, try hurricane gel, you get it at the pharmacy but you have to go to the pharmasist counter and ask for it....it works like a charm,because its stronger then orajel,you only need the smallest amount to put on the gumbs but it works........good luck
Hi S., Your baby is cutting teeth really early. One thing you might want to make sure is that his belly doest not hurt from the formula since you quit breastfeeding so fast. Also, make sure he is not hungry too. If the things you tried did not work, then something else is going on. I would call the peditrician and talk to the nurse.
Have you tried the teething rings u put in the fridge? There is also a pacifier on ebay called the razberry and its a teething paci that they can chew on. I also use the baby orajel nightime so it puts him to sleep. Thankfully my little one will put himself to sleep without even crying. If he loses his paci he just sucks his thumb. He likes to stay awake after his last feeding for the night, so I just lay him in his bed in the dark and go back to bed.I also use my finger sometime to message his gums.
Try ibuprofen (motrin)-it is an NSAID which is an anti-inflammatory and will work better. Also, if he will not take the teething pacifier or teething rings-try a wet, frozen washcloth. See if it'll soothe him. Good Luck!