Hi, I.. Your son is probably in a stage that my old pediatrician called "pre-teething." That means that the teeth aren't ready to erupt yet, but the baby is feeling the effects of the pressure of the teeth against the inside of the gums. Pre-teething is basically the same as teething, but don't expect a tooth anytime soon. It's a prolonged period of teething.
Some kids don't like the teething toys at all. My son didn't, but when I refused to let him bite me, he finally settled for toys. I strongly recommend that you stop letting him munch on your hand, because as teething progresses, he will learn to bite down very hard on you, and even without teeth, it's going to hurt really soon.
Try a little Orajel on the gums once in a while. You can also get the teething toys that have the water inside, and if you freeze the toy, the ice will numb his gums so he won't feel the pain and itching for a while.
This is one of those stages that you both just have to get through. It will get worse before it gets better.