Good morning L.,
Unfortunately, I too had a early teether. And unfortunately I have to tell you, it took a good 2 months before the tooth came through. Some people swear by hylands teething tablets--I did not like them, my son would sleep a long time after I gave them to him (and he would have just woken up from a nap, so I knew he was not tired). Other people swear by the numbing oragel, my son cried harder with that. I found that the frozen things did not work until the tooth was just about to break through but then they worked wonders! It is hard when they are teething so early because they can't get things in their own mouths to chew on-I think this may be why it takes so long to break through. The gnawing on things softens the gums and allows the tooth to come through. I would hold the teething toys for him so that he could chew on them and that seemed to help. Also, the tylenol helped for us. I would give it to him at night so he could fall asleep. If she is chewing on things, it is probably a sign that the first one is coming. When it is about to come through, you will feel a lump in the gums. I suggest you let her chew on the teething things. Teething is painful, and when that first little sharp tooth comes in, you will understand why, THEY ARE SUPER SHARP! Good luck!