Hi, M.. I don't know why people are saying not to use baby Tylenol. It's the safest of the baby pain-killers as long as you don't give them too much for too long. The Tylenol will bring the fever down so that baby is more comfortable over all. If this is her first experience with cold-like symptoms, she might be confused and scared about feeling sick. She's going to need some calm reassurance from you.
It certainly sounds like she is teething. My baby got very sick off and on while he was teething, too. This is very common. Get some baby Orajel and rub it on her gums. This will take away enough of the pain so that baby can relax and be soothed. Again, as long as you don't over-use it, baby Orajel is safe.
When she is calm, you can freeze special teething toys that are filled with water and let her bite on them. The cold toys help to bring down the inflammation of the gums, which will help her overall. It will help the teeth come through faster as well as bringing down the inflammation. It will also give her an outlet for her anger at the pain. So do give her good things to chew on.
If things don't get at least somewhat better quickly with teething remedies, take her to the doctor. If it's not teething, it may be an ear infection, which is incredibly painful. In fact, you might want to take her to the doctor first. She can be teething AND have an ear infection at the same time, which is UNBELIEVABLY painful for a poor little baby.
I hope everything works out fine.