My daughter had a week of very bad diarrhea and a slight fever when she was teething. Teething does does cause unexpected symptoms in little bodies.
Hello moms. I have an almost 10 month old who has his top front teeth trying to break through. He has been feverish and cranky all weekend. When the bottom front two came in he was a little warm for a couple of days but this time it has been 4 days already. And he had some diarrhea this go round. Is this normal or could this be something else? I am going to call his ped later this morning but I wanted some advice from other moms. Thanks a million!
I called his ped yesterday and the nurse said that this was all teething stuff. She said that if his temp goes over 101 and the diarrhea hasn't stopped by Wednesday, bring him in. Yesterday he only had one messy diaper and today he is his playful self. Thanks for all the advices mommies. You are the best!
My daughter had a week of very bad diarrhea and a slight fever when she was teething. Teething does does cause unexpected symptoms in little bodies.
Some doctors will tell you that none of those symptoms are related to teething. In my opinion it could be the teeth though. If they haven't broken through the skin yet they could really be bothering your baby. In any case if it is just a little bit of diarrhea and a fever (not a really high one, though) it will probably pass soon either way. My children were both cranky when cutting teeth, especially my daughter. She would be extra cranky and whiny for long periods of time like a week or two. I have had many people recommend Teething Tablets to me. I think they are made by Hylands but there may be other brands out there.
Every medical health professional will tell you that teething does not cause fever or diarrhea and every mother I know would tell you it does. The Hylands teething tablets are great. Good luck to your little man... this is hard work!!
Top teeth always take longer and are harder than the bottom teeth. With my first it seemed like it took him 2 months to get each molar in... The bigger the tooth the longer it takes, and those top teeth are almost twice as big as the bottoms. The good news is that it can't last forever, and every day he is cranky is one day closer to being done with it. (Until the next teeth come in...)
We just went through with this with our 9 1/2 month old. We thought it was teeting, but she ended up with a temp of 103.9 and had slight diah. The ped had us take her to Children's Hosp. The next day we had her blood and urine tested. Came back clean. It took 5 days for her fever to finally break, and now she has a rash all over her body. We found out it was a viral infection. We used baby Motrin to bring her temp down and gave her a room temp. bath. Check your baby's temp. often.
This definitely sounds more like a virus than teething. You need to get him to the doctor and start giving him Pedialyte to avoid dehydration. You have to be extremely careful with an infant when they have diarrhea.
They say that a fever has nothing to do with teething and the same for diarrhea, but they do seem to coincide more often than coincidence can account for. I wouldn't write them off as teething symptoms, but I also wouldn't be too worried about them. The teething tablets are miracles, and yes they are made by Hylands. Almost every pharmacy carries them. Some you have to ask the pharmicist for, and some will have them on the shelves. Toys r Us carries them in the baby aisle. My littlest one has a real problem with teething so I use the tablets in conjunction with Orajel (for instant relief) and Tylenol for sustained relief. I believe the tablets actually assist the teeth with breaking through, maybe by softening the gums. They dissolve instantly and my son actually likes taking them. Some mothers don't want to medicate their children, but I say why not when you can spare them a lot of unnecessary pain? It's certainly not going to do them any harm.
On another note, what area exactly do you live in? I also am a SAHM with two of almost the exact age difference yours have. Mine are 6 (since April) and just 1 yr. (since weekend before last) Two boys. We've only lived here since April. I'd like to make some friends with children of similar ages but it can be difficult to find people whose kids are 5 years apart. :)
My son always ran low grade fevers with his upper teeth and had runny poop and diaper rash. My peditricain said that teething can cause all kinds of crazy stuff.
If you are interested in natural remedies. You can give homeopathic chammomillia. There is also a combination homeopathic teething remedy. You can get these at My Organic Market, Whole Foods or any coop.
Good luck.
This could possibly be a virus but it would probably be over by now if so, and the doctors can't do a thing for a virus anyway. However, it is very normal for teethign and it definatley sounds like teething. All babies are differnet but fevers and diareha/etc can last for up to a few weeks I would say when teething, it just deonds on your hcild. My oldest was/had horrible side effects with teething while my 20 month old ahs most of her teeth in already and has rarley ahd a problem wiht them.