My son never tugged on his ears with ear infections...so, that was always a mystery to me. But, when he was teething he would. It just depends on the kiddo. How long has she been acting like this? Has she been running a fever at all? If she has been running a fever at all, I would call the doctor for recommendations...you don't always have to go in. I resort to calling the nurse and asking her opinion, since she knows my son and knows the doctor she's the best middle man.
If you think, it's teething I would get some Hyland's Tablets and/or Drops to sooth her discomfort. There are also, tons of homeopathic remedies that you can use...just google 'homeopathic teething remedies'.
Also, I became a fan of Motrin vs. Tylenol because is lasts longer and was less doses in the long run.
Good Luck!