Tell Me About Your Prepaid Cell Phone Service......

Updated on October 13, 2012
B.D. asks from Pittsburgh, PA
5 answers

Are prepaid plans better than contract plans?

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answers from Phoenix on

I will never have a contract phone again. Sure, you may get a "free" phone with contract phones, but you have no flexibility... you are stuck with that phone and that carrier for 2 years and WAY higher rates than you would have with a prepaid phone. You end up paying for the phone through higher rates.

I got my touch screen Smartphone, an LG Optimus, for about 60.00 bucks during a holiday sale on Virgin's website, and I pay $45.00 a month for 1200 minutes & unlimited text & data. To me, you really can't beat this. I was easily paying T-Mobile 80-90 bucks a month for almost the same phone & plan.

I am not interested in having the "latest & greatest", so I will never have to shell out a large amount for a new phone, plus, I think it's frivolous to get rid of a phone for no reason, anyway.

Oh, and you don't have to buy the phone from the pre-paid carrier. Sellers offer brand new pre-paid phones on Ebay and all you have to do is activate it when you get it.

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answers from Philadelphia on

LOVE LOVE Tracfone and will never go back! I don't use my phone for the web but I do text so I got a phone with a slide out full keyboard. Its perfect. I think the phone cost me like $60 and now every time I purchase minutes - I get triple. So I purchase 450 mintues - get 1350. Good for 90 days but if you repurchase minutes before then your minutes carry over. I think the 450 card costs $80. There are all sorts of minute combos you can buy. I don't ever need to purchase more than the 450 card in those 90 days but you'll find what works for you. Service is excellent I have never not been able to call or text. Its SO much cheaper than any contract service I ever had and I have never had a bit of trouble with service or with the phones I purchase.

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answers from La Crosse on

I have never had a contract ( major cell company) cell phone. I use to do tracfone but "upgraded" to straight talk.

I have a touch phone. I pay $45 a month for unlimted phone, text and data. I can download most any app's ( there has been a few that my phone wont let me do). There is also no "roaming" no matter where I go.

I had service everywhere I went with my tracfone, with the straight talk the only place I have found not to have great service is right around where I live. But we are in a valley surrounded by bluff's. Many people here don't have any service with thier major cell company so I guess I can't complain too much.. If I drive 10-15 mins out of my little town I have great service again.

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answers from Dallas on

I think there are pros & cons to both. With a prepaid you have cheaper rates but you pay full price for the phone. With the contract you have a cheaper phone but higher plan rates. We use Virgin. We haven't had any issues with it at all. It runs on the Sprint network so wherever Sprint has coverage, we do too. My phone is the HTC Evo and it was a little pricey but to me worth it. Now we also can get the I-Phone but I'm not ready to fork out for that one ! I love the fact I have unlimited text, minutes, and web. It really works for us.

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answers from Topeka on

I'm checking into they run off Sprint network for $55.00 w/ their new 4g coverage the phones are great have new ones w/ 3g or 4g.My Verizon contract ends this month I really don't wanna renew w/out a data package it is way too pricey & after speaking to a rep. about the difference in contracted plans vs. prepaid it all comes down to the price you pay for the phone.Plus it offers others advantages like $5.00 insurance coverage and your able to drop down $5.00 after 6 consecutives ontime pymnts to get it cheaper after a yr to 2 yrs i'll be paying way less than what I ever did with a contracted service.Someting to look into my coverage is great on Boost mobile I kow someone who has it with the 3g she loves it

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