Ditto... this is sounding like PPD.
Something ALWAYS goes wrong. Either during the pregnancy, the birth, or in the first time thereafter. As Cathy *wonderfully* pointed out "there is no perfect transition to Motherhood".
For M.... my pregnancy SUCKED. Bigtime. Do I wish that I was one of those happy, glowing, pregnant mums? Sure. ((Let M. count the ways being pregnant sucked: high risk for miscarriage, gained 180 lbs -YES you read that correctly-, had to have 5 LEEPS and multiple cancer treatments, was suicidally depressed for at least 1 hour every single day from end of first trimester -hormone reaction, like PPD but not post-, had toxemia and was so swollen I couldn't bend my toes or my ankles... and that's only the physical stuff not including losing my jobby job & health insurance, losing my DREAM job (traveling all over the world testing out adventure gear, and being paid ridiculously well for it), having to move in with other people (because I lost my job and had no income), agreeing to marry someone I probably shouldn't have, my favorite uncle getting killed in an avalanche, two of my good friends from the military dying, the USMC trying to reactivate M. while on bedrest because of 9-11... sheesh... the list just goes on and on.))
But people who saw M. around and about, and after really had no idea of what was up... because I didn't tell them. And the MOMENT I gave birth my hormones started to return to normal and the depression started to lift. Which was such a YUGE b.l.e.s.s.i.n.g.
Do I still occasionally "judge my insides by other's outsides"? Sure. I try not to. But it happens. I look at someone who has something I want, and I don't see them as whole people with their own problems and paths... I just see the thing I want (happy marriage, great career, time for whatever, a bikini body, whatEVER).
The thing is... I can see these things and shrug and laugh at myself... because I'm not clinically depressed. When I was depressed, money could have been raining from the sky and all I would have seen were taxes and regrets that I hadn't had it the week before.