The Lifespan of a Good Bra

Updated on April 23, 2010
K.J. asks from Westmont, IL
17 answers

Hello Mamas,

Ok, so after years of buying Victoria's Secret and Bali bras, and spending a small fortune only to have the underwire start poking out in under a year, I have finally decided that I need to find out if this is common. How often do you have to replace your bras, and what are your favorite brands? (I don't need a ton of support, as I have a small cup size, so I know I'm not putting a big demand on the wire to be holding up a lot.)

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answers from Chicago on


I would like to know, as well. I have the exact same problem. So you are not alone on this one.




answers from Washington DC on

Every bra no matter how much they cost is build to last about 6 months and then they go "bad". After that the elastic material weakens and the whole thing goes " South". Knowing that I get mine when they are 2 for one at JMZ.

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answers from Chicago on

I read somewhere that a good bra should last about 90 days of everyday use - and you should have 3 (1 to wear, 1 to wash, and 1 extra) so I guess 3 bras would last about 9 months. I guess I never paid that much attention to how long mine lasted, since I've gone through so many size changes in the past few years with pregnancy, nursing, etc. Anyways, I've heard that this place is great for bras: Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

Underwire is not good for our breast, in fact the plastic/metal piece does not support and provides extra weight for gravity to pull on. With a small or large cup you need support.

Go to this website and take a look at a medical grade garment produced by orthopedic surgeon specifically made available to alleviate the pull of gravity, lift our breast between the 2nd and 7th rib and relieve any pressure on our shoulders. All this while supporting our breast without underwire.

I wear the Angel bra and became a distributor so I get my products wholesale. My website is

We also have a breast cream to keep our breast soft and supple. Along with nutrition, skin care and other body reshapers to help us look and feel good.

Join me in the fight against Breast cancer by using a product that eliminates the possibilities.

Thank you L.


I was the one that set off the alarms in the airport due to underwire, had shoulder and back aches from my bras. Kept my bras forever but now I have found the perfect bras from a company that made me join--there products were just that good. The bra is called the Angel bra and it really has been an angel in my life. Other benefits is the bra is anatomically made to place your breast in the correct position and improve what gravity works to destroy.

Check out the site and let me know what you think.


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answers from Tyler on

A lady that measured me at VS said a bra being worn several times a week would need to be replaced within four to six months. I found one I really liked and bought in many different colors. She said the key is to not wear the same bra over and over as this will cause the band to stretch more quickly and wire to pop out. I found a bra ball at Walmart in the section with hangers and such. It protects your bra in the wash! You are suppose to hand wash your bras but I don't feel like that gets them clean enough. It works pretty well in keeping the shape so it doesn't get damaged in the wash machine.

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answers from Chicago on

I buy bras with average prices (25 to 40 dollar range) and they last me forever. The key is a good fit-get measured by a pro- and only wearing them once before washing. Here is where I differ from most of you. I wash them in the washer, not in a bag and I don't even hook them together, then throw them in the dryer. I have enough bras to rotate so I only wear them once every 10-14 days. Maybe it is because I am so clueless on how to care for them that they last so



answers from Chicago on

I have to replace my bras about 3 times a year (2 if money is tight) and I usually buy 2 or 3 bras at a time...always from VS...the reason for buying new ones is because the support becomes compromised from repeated use and sometimes the underwire will poke out...


answers from Kansas City on

i do expect quite a bit out of a bra (thanks to mother nature!) i like bali, but other than the dirt cheap walmart crappo ones, haven't had a real issue between different brands. they all seem about the same to me - and yes, less than a year. and i don't put them in the dryer either.



answers from Erie on

Great question. Responses so far make it seem that hand washing is key, What a pain in the tush. After every wearing??



answers from Honolulu on

I use the Calvin Klein "perfectly fit" t-shirt bras. There are different styles, strapless or straps.
I really like it.
I"ve had it for about 1+ years. Still real good and in nice condition.
I have smaller cup size... 34C
This is the only bra I like so far. I hated my others.
Even my Husband says this one, when I got it, looks SO much better now under my clothes.

I always wash my bras in a laundry net bag... and air dry them.

good luck,



answers from Chicago on

Funny you should ask this. The wire just came out of my VS bra this week, and I bought it in February. I had just begun shopping at VS for bras again, but have decided to discontinue this practice. I have tried other, cheaper brands with better results.

I would suggest going to Macy's and asking one of the women there what works well. They should have a good idea of the brands their customers prefer.



answers from Las Vegas on

I found Maidenform in Costco and love them! They hold up pretty well.



answers from San Diego on

I pay through the nose for "pretty & lacy" bras... since I'm a 36 DDDD, and it's near impossible to find bras in that cup that don't make nursing bras look like 2010's sexiest lingerie.

Huzzah for Nordstrom and their magical back room with; Freya, Fantasie, et al.

Bottom line, I pay about $100-135 for each of my bras. They last 4-5 years with the same support/shape/color as when I bought them. These are my "wear 2x per week" bras.

Some brands the wire pokes out at some point. So I just take it to the seamstress and pay $3 for her to sew it back in.

((confession: I never handwash my lingerie, and MOST of the time just toss them in the machine. I know i should at least use a mesh bag... but don't. My mesh bags have been in a box in the basement waiting to be unpacked for over a year now.))


answers from Dallas on

I wear Wacoal and I bought my last ones at Neimans for about $65 each.

I'm a natural 34DD and very petite size 2.

When I buy, I get 3 at a time.......1 black, 1 beige to wear, 1 beige to spare.

I am careful with laundry, I wash in machine, cold cycle, line dry. I got my last 3 about 8 months ago and they are holding up very well with elasticity, support, and overall appearance. They still look new.

You can also get Wacoal at Macy's, Dillards, Nordstrom



answers from Victoria on

I'm a 34G & mine costs about $65 each. I wear wahcoal or something like that. Mine last about 3 months of everyday use. I now buy 3 to 4 at once & rotate them out daily so that each one doesn't stay in a stretched state more than a day. I hand wash mine. hope this helps you.


answers from Norfolk on

I wash mine in the washer, and hang them up to dry. I loved Champion for many years, but my size and shape has changed a lot. Instead of sports bras, minimizing bras are the best fit for me now. I've tried a few Victoria Secret bras before, but found they just wore out too quickly no matter how delicately I treated them and they just weren't a good value for the money spent on them. This place has a huge selection of bra brands and their prices seem fairly reasonable:



answers from Minneapolis on

I only expect a "moderate" amount of performance from my bras. = )

But I have not found that VS (despite the cost) are any more comfortable or "sturdy" than others. I do have maybe...10-12 bras floating around the house that fit and fit well. I think that might be a key...The better the fit, the longer they stick around. Some of my favorite bras cost <$30. Heck...I think I have a fav that has been around for 8 years. Which in retrospect, seems crazy/sad.

Also, hand washing. The washing machine can wreck the underwire.

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