Sounds very similar to my son. I empathize with you and know how the sleep deprivation is one of the biggest challenges I had as well. I thought I was going nuts. A breastfeeding consultant at the hospital where I delivered was a huge help in suggesting new was to hold my son while feeding him (to keep him more upright) and also suggested a chiropractor who specialized in babies. Like Susan B., the chiropractor was able to discover my son's left shoulder was out of whack due to delivery issues (he was born sunny side up and the dr. stated his left shoulder was the toughest part of delivering because it was stuck so to speak. No surprise then, when the chiropractor discovered this when she evaluated him and also determined the shoulder issues were then causing neck issues as well. My son had been in so much discomfort which explains why he was crying constantly and not sleeping through the night. It was so hard, but once we got treatment and started him on an infant probiotic (we use Natren Infant Dairy Formula brand) he was like a totally different infant. It really was amazing. I wish chiropractors who specialize in infants were advertised more or suggested to moms during difficult births, it would certainly help get to treatment earlier. Anyway, we had tried EVERYTHING from gripe water, Mylicon drops, chamomile tea, hyland's stuff, we did it all and didn't see any relief so we asked around and were willing to try anything too. The cranial, spinal, and shoulder manipulation helped to ease my son's discomfort and babies are so resilient, everything started going back into place. My son was about 5 weeks when we started the chiropractic treatment and I think I did about 2- 3 weeks of treatments (twice a week). Insurance didn't cover it, but I would have paid anything to get some relief for him. We saw relief soon after treatments began and he was finally able to sleep better and longer. I began implementing the suggestions from Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child at about 7 months and he has slept through the night ever since. He is now three years old and doing great. I've since continued with the chiropractor whenever my son gets a cold/ear infection to be sure everything is aligned so the fluid drains properly.
I know you will find great suggestions from all moms who've gone through this. I remember feeling like I was being a horrible mom and doubted myself all the time, but once we felt we were going in the right direction and I was able to get some much needed sleep as well, it turned around. Please don't doubt yourself, you are a great mom and seeking answers shows it. It's hard not to doubt ourselves when we hear other mom talk about how easy their babies are.........that was very hard for me and it made me think something was horribly wrong, so I got scared. All of this to say, keep searching and trying different things. My prayers are with you and I hope things get resolved soon.
Blessings, M.