My children are 9 and almost 2. My daughter, firstborn, was perfect. Labor wasn't the easiest, but the pregnancy part was a breeze. She slept through the night at 3 months, didn't have any formula problems (like I did with my son) was always a good listener, did not get into things, could entertain herself, didn't scream, hit, bite, and I could go on and on about how perfect she was. Now, my son is the complete opposite! The pregnancy and labor were difficult, he cried all the time, didn't sleep through the night until after 12 months, he screams all the time (when he's excited, sad, mad, frustrated), doesn't listen at all, gets into EVERYTHING, hits, and I could go on about him too. I love my son, but I can honestly say that if I would have had him first, I never would have had another child. And at this point, I can say I am done having children. I think though, if you feel that it is the right time to have another child, then you should. I think I made the mistake of having my son and thinking it was going to better the situation I was in at the time. And although he is so difficult and my life would be SO much easier without him...that feeling all fades away when he gives me a kiss or hug for no reason and when he smiles at me (he's so cute)! Good luck with whatever choice you make.