Oh my goodness!!! I have twin 2-year olds here and let me tell you, I know how bad it can be! I think that they act out like that because they get frustrated trying to communicate and they're just learning to be independent. The things that work for our family: Listen to them. I know it can be just as frustrating for us adults trying to figure out what they're trying to tell us, but if you listen and ask questions back, they feel better and you know for the next time. Let them be their own little person, if they want to wash their own hands, so be it. If they insist on putting the lotion on themselves, what can it hurt. I just "help" out. Discipline at home is key. I do not like to get onto my boys in public, but if they're acting inappropriately I take them aside and let them know that it's wrong. Doing it at home is so much easier though--who ever heard of a time-out in the middle of the mall? Oh, and another thing that helps is taking away a favorite toy for a couple minutes, kind of a time-out from the toy. My boys do not like it at all and it seems somewhat cruel, but it works. I think that kids need to know that hitting, biting, pinching, pulling hair, kicking, etc. are all hurtful and not nice, and that sharing is fun. Believe me, the sharing thing in my house is number one! It's hard, but who said parenting was easy, right? They really do care about others` feelings if they understand them. And some magic words to stop the begging: ALL GONE! It's not exactly a fib either...maybe the animal crackers are just "all gone" until tomorrow, or after dinner. Give and take, that's all...and definitely pick your battles. I'm no expert, but I'm going through the same things and this is what works for me. I wish you the BEST and applaud you for caring enough to ask for advice.