Definitely add tick repellent to your plans if you don't do it already -- you don't mention using any repellent. I have not heard of or used the supposedly tick-repellent clothing but I'm betting it's pricey and if the effect eventually wears off with washing, what's the point? Get a good, name-brand repellent.
I've done several first aid courses and have never, ever heard about using duct tape to remove ticks. If the tick is embedded in the skin, meaning it's bitten you and is attached in anyway, using duct tape would be a terrible idea. It could pull off the body and leave the tick's head attached to you -- defeating the point of using it in the first place since you MUST remove the entire tick. Get a good, and very recent, first aid manual for detailed instructions on proper tick removal. You also never try to burn it off (I've actually heard of folks trying this!) and you do not want to use vaseline to "suffocate" it etc. You also do not want to break the tick's body, which can make it exude more of its fluids into you. Once you remove an attached tick, SAVE IT and put it into a plastic bag and take it to the doctor; doctors now can test the tick itself for Lyme disease and let you know quickly if the tick had Lyme and therefore if you have a chance of contracting Lyme. Remove properly, save the tick, see a doctor.