How much do you tip your cleaning lady around the holidays?
We usually give ours a $30 gift card to eat out (which is about half of the weekly rate we pay her).
I am a cleaning lady and what you are "supposed" to give is one visit's salary.
Martha Stewart says it's essential for a working relationship and I tend to agree with her. If you give your cleaning lady something "inadequate"...she will not be as happy to clean WELL for you. She also joked that "How well you tip her depends on if she'll clean your kitchen or bathroom first."
C'mon, don't be stingy with your cleaning lady...she is doing something you didn't want to do..clean your house. It's not a glamorous job, there are no benifits such as health care, paid time off, dental or Christmas parties........tip $50 at least!
Good Luck!
J. N
I think it depends on your relationship and how often and long she has worked for you. We just moved here and I have used mine a total of 3x so I believe a $20-25 tip will be appropiate for her.
I would consider how well of a job she does and also how often and how long she's been cleaning for you. If she does a good job and she has been helping you out when you need her, I would probably recommend at least $25.00.